Station 4, Jesus Meets his Mother

Mar 13, 2008 17:41

At the fourth station of the cross Jesus meets his mother. When something terrible happens to children, when they become serious sick for instance, mothers often say: “I wish it had happened to me. That would make it more bearable.” It is extremely hard to live your life while your child suffers, or to live on when they die. It is the same for lovers who have lost their loved one, or for close relatives. Still it is Mary’s task, just as it is for all mothers, partners and lovers to live their lives, to go on living while their loved are suffering or are dead.

My question is: how to live my life when people close to me suffer, or how do I take up the task of living while I am grieving? This is a hard question to answer. I have pulled Five of Crystals (Swords), from the Voyager Tarot called “Negativity”.

The card reflects my view on the question I suppose, that it is a difficult question, but it also gives me a tool. It says: “Do not indulge in negativity”. I do not think it is meant that I must to be ‘happy’ all the time; grief cannot be denied. But what needed is: another focus, a second voice. 

five of swords, voyager tarot, lent 2008, stations of the cross

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