I have pulled card 8 of the
Pumpkin Spread. These are the positions.
1. Cutting out and removing the lid: What you need to temporary lift to enable you to see yourself clearer?
2. Scooping out the pumpkin: What you need to work hard on or work through?
3. The seeds you reveal: How you can grow? Your potential?
4. The flesh you remove: The obstacles in the way to let you grow?
5. The hollow: You darker self. What is within you that remains unseen?
6. The carving: What you need to pay attention to?
7. The candle: How you can best shine? Your postives? How to reveal your darker self?
8. Replacing the lid: How you will feel more content? The improvement you will notice?
9. Placing the pumpkin in the window: How others will see you and respond?
Based on by the action of replacing the lid after the candle lighted the question for Card 8 is: “How you will feel more content? The improvement you will notice?”
From my little bag with deck titles I picked the Inner Child Cards to work with and pulled Four of Swords. The card shows four boys on a raft in a stream going slowly towards a goal what is to be seen on the top of the card. The raft goes easily through the water, no real effort is being made.
The improvement I will notice is that I’ll go more easily with the flow, that I will have more trust in the stream of life. My eyes are set on where I go, but the journey is easier.The overly controlling forces like the Emperor -which was my obstacle for growth in this spread- and the Queen of Swords, the attitude that I had to temporary lift, will bother me less.
I will feel more affinity with the free flowing Ace of Cups instead (on which a river is shown, just as on this card, Four of Swords). The trust of Five of Coins, the card that showed what I needed to work hard on, will be there too. The boys trust their raft.