The Heart of Dis-ease, Card Four: Fibro

Jul 21, 2007 23:38

It is too late to blog now to be honest. Already this morning I have pulled my card, but tomorrow we are going away, so many chores had to be done.

The card that I pulled was for position four from the spread by Christine Jette, The Heart of Dis-ease: Listening to the Message. This position is called: “Seeking the Healing Cycle”. The question that belongs to it is the following: what types of losses (due to illness) make you want to seek the healing cycle?

The card that I have pulled is Eight of Pentacles from the Victorian Romantic Tarot.

All what I feel is pain in the muscles of my arms looking at this card. What I have lost is the ability of doing this kind of precise perfectionist work, and what hinders me are my hurting arms. That is what I seek the healing cycle for. I have pulled this card not long ago to the question: "How can my soul be cruelly treated?" By working too hard, too perfectionist I treat my soul cruelly.

This card is related to card one, in that I need breaks, and I need relaxation in order for me and my arms to heal.

Hmm. I am repeating myself here.

spread: heart of dis-ease, eight of pentacles, victorian romantic tarot, christine jette, health

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