Jun 01, 2006 08:08
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 random facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
1) Although I am very rarely on time to anything, i LOATHE being late with EVERY fiber of my being. maybe thats why i'm so stressed all the time.
2) I am Wiccan, and I am happy about my faith. Why is it then, that my favorite band is Lifehouse, the biggest worship band there is, lol? haha
3) I want to be a teacher more than i want to be a hairstylist.
4) I am overall happy with the way that I am. I haven't ever been able to say that.
5) I dip my pizza crust in rootbeer.
hmmm... now i tag....
Beth, Cat D., Jamesmand, Andrew, Chris F.