(no subject)

Apr 04, 2016 10:45

Also, I realized a few problems in my Cellworld series.


...fuq, adding another one to the list. Don'cha hate it when your brain reminds you that you forgot something?

1. I hadn't described the girths of the local trees. I keep forgetting most places don't have huuuuuge old growth trees, so... crap, another one. *scribbles it on a sticky note* So I got that one done, described how big the trees are, and had two of the characters going, "they're not that big on my old homeworld!" and "they were like that on mine"

2. Describe the snow in the northern story when the characters first arrived, 'cause I originally picked midsummer for the southern story, but nope, spring is better for the northern story, and lo! the two stories start at the same damned time, which means I have to rewrite the southern story, but that's okay, 'cause I'm totes changing the origins of one of the main characters to help tie in The Big Bad Looming In The Far Distance. I got the snow thing down, though, so that's good. And yes, already restarted the southern story, plus actually did up the dude's background culture.

3. Must add in smells. I keep forgetting to describe scents. It's spring, something's bound to have pollen, something's bound to have perfume, something's bound to smell like a cat fart to a human nose.

4. And I forgot the other new thing before the smells thing and dammit...*sigh*...I'm sure I'll remember it AFTER I post the story. *sighsigh*

...I hate how depression & anxiety fuq with your memory.

Oh, wait, I DID write it down.

5. Tree stumps in the meadows! Must go back and put those in...

6. Must work on DEMONS before CELLWORLD, however. Hm, maybe this should be #1, not #6.


Except I gotta get shoes on to go take my dumb lawnmower to the repair shop. *sighsighsigh*

...THIS HAS BEEN MY BRAIN for the last few days. Disjointed, kerfuffled, fumbled, and blargh. *faceflop* *floats in the water* *anxiety!shark comes swimming around* *blurblebubble"fuq!"bubblenoise*

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