(no subject)

Aug 14, 2009 09:07

My grand-papa is going into the hospital today. We've known for a while that he's in need of a pulmonary valve for his heart, but know it's getting bad so at 77, he's going in for his first open heart surgery. He's doing tests today and monday, then we'll find out when the surgery will be.


2 months old or 77 years old, it's NEVER easy. Both are similar, both times the patients are unable to talk (he had a stroke years ago).

My family, uncles aunts, etc...are freaking out. My grandmother (as strong as she is - and she's a rock) is besides herself.

I gave her the same advice as she gave me when Charlize was diagnosed. Translated it's "Life sucks. Don't dwell or complain, roll up your sleeves and move forward no matter how hard it is. Don't waste your energy bitching or complaining about it. Focus on moving through it. It'll be done soon enough"

So I told her to "grand-maman, roule tes manches et fonce"

I spent some beautiful quality time with my aunt and uncle and cousin last night (while picking up 3 crates of blueberries that my 75 year old grandma picked for me and the family). I've seen the look on their faces before. The look of concern, the look of fear. I recognize it. They are petrified that he will stay on the operating table.

Been trying to reassure everyone that it's a very common procedure and my grand-papa is as strong as a horse and will be up and around quickly. They believe me, I can tell they are hopeful and actually looking forward to it being done so he can feel better.

Deep down though...deep deep down, where no one can see, I am petrified.
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