
Feb 27, 2009 15:48

Dear God, I can't effing believe it's friday. Friday of what feels like the longest week of my life. Friday of the longest week ever. I knew Monday it would be like this hence I enjoyed a longer cup of coffee at breakfast that day. But from that point to right now I have endured a hell of a week. I'm exhausted. I asked Mike to postpone the weekend since I'm really not up to it.

I can't even go into anything about the week, but I'm thankful to be home on Friday after the week I just had. Thankfully I also got 2 phone calls from work that helped relax me enough to trigger the weekend feeling.

Anyways, I do think it'll be an early night to hit the sack, if I don't do that right after I finish posting. I'm that exhausted. I think the nights of interrupted sleep (stress related - wake up and be unable to fall back into slumber) hasn't helped. Nor has Charlize being excessively whiny.

Didn't mention, but she fell down the stairs today. All the way down, the kind of fall that would have given her Auntie Sylvie a heart attack. Anyways, no broken neck or limbs (not that I understand how she managed to walk away) but hopefully the rugrat will now listen to her parents when they say NO! She's awfully cute, but in the fullness of her terrible twos. Both my kids are early bloomers apparently. She's the freakin' death of us. Getting into all sorts of trouble. I can barely guarantee she'll live to see another day just on the trouble she gets herself into within seconds. This morning prior to that, she was in the bathroom sucking on the cap of lavender essential oils, WTF? the one that was BABY-proofed, go figure. I think what we need to do is wrap her in bubble wrap and put her in an empty room....until she's 7.

I don't know how to explain how draining she is on Mike and I, if we ever wanted another baby, let me tell you she's a natural contraceptive, just the thought of another like her is unbearable. Anyone want to babysit? She's 45times worse than Kyle ever was, constant whine, constant trouble, just constant misery lately. And the worse thing ever, she's cute and we love her to bits despite all the grief she gives us!
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