Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.
Am not lucky enough to have that much icon space, so I'm going to cheat and just do the first ten.
My favourite John/Rodney icon, and my default. It's just very peaceful and pretty, so I use I use it more than any other one.
Reeally love their facial expressions here, and I need a "sad" icon.
Every SGA fangirl needs an icon making fun of John's hair. This is my favourite.
I love everything about this icon. The shadows on his shirt, the colouring, how he's slouching, how he looks so burndened and tired...I just want to hug him.
The Satan Pit was my favourite episode, so I needed an icon. That, and I'm a shameless Doctor/Rose shipper. And the lighting is beautiful. And I love the border. And yeah.
While I love Ten's expression here, what I love most about this icon is the texture. His hair isn't bad, either. XD
I had this icon saved for a long, long time before I saw "The Hive." And then I saw it, and couldn't breathe with laughing so hard. So now I'm using it and will never, ever stop.
I use this icon whenever I'm amused, talking about slash, or making fun of them. It's just funny!
Jack is hot and I really, really miss him. Not only because he's hot, but I'm not going to deny that that is a major factor. XD
Because it's so true. And because I'm a shameless slasher, and the Aliens Made Them Do It icon felt lonely.