{979765F7-62AA-48F5-96ED-D29407C3C184} So I know that everyone loves Harriet...but I really have to say that I'm excited about this. Except for Matt going all dark and angsty, damnit.
Am in love with the Brett Dennen CD that Brittany burned for me. I don't really know how to describe his's like a mix of Norah Jones and Jason Mraz, with Bob Marley's lyrics...sort of. Not really. But close. And I love his voice -- untrained, in a good way, slightly nazal...he actually sounds a lot like RayK...
Got an A- on my Spanish Lit essay. Very, very surprising, but then he admitted to easy grading. This doesn't bode well for our next essay, but hey, an A- is an A-.
Oh, just checked, and I guess Brett Dennen is classified under folk. Odd. I guess I need to expand my idea of what folk is.
Also: Anne Rice was born Howard Allen...something. Can't remember the last name. But the point it, HOWARD ALLEN WTF?! Who would ever do that to their child, whether they're female or not. This just explains so much...
And to end: WHY, WHY LIVEJOURNAL? Why must you keep changing your layout? Are you trying to weed out the html-challenged?