An Agreement 12/12 - Complete!

Apr 18, 2012 16:30

An Agreement Between Friends
Summary: "What I'm offering you here is free sex. No strings attached. Are you telling me you're going to turn that down?" House/Cameron
Rating: M
Genre: Drama/Romance
Chapters: 12/12
Word Count: 862

An Agreement Between Friends


Unnecessary disclaimer: None of the characters, dialogue or storylines appearing in the TV show "House, M. D." belong to me.

Abstract: "What I'm offering you here is free sex. No strings attached. Are you telling me you're going to turn that down?" House/Cameron

A crowd of parents cheered on the soccer game with enthusiasm, waving pom-poms, holding signs, and moving hands in a silent clap motion. Flashing lights accompanied the whistle blow, sounding the end of the game. The coaches gathered their teams, kids high-fived on the field, and Allison Cameron turned her beaming eyes to Gregory House sitting next to her.

She watched him as his eyes followed their son on the field, and she couldn't help but be amazed at what her life had become.

"Allison, will you marry me?" he'd asked as they sat at the piano. She would never forget that moment.

She had stared at him in such shock. They'd known each other for years, they had a child together, and had been in an on-and-off relationship for over a year now, but in spite of it all, she was taken completely off-guard by his question.

"That's a hell of a commitment," she'd managed to say. "Don't rush into this, House." (She still called him House back then, to his great annoyance.)

"Is that a no?" he asked bluntly. She remembered how his blue eyes probed her for answers. Didn't she want this? Was she afraid?

"I'm not sure I'm ready to answer that question yet," she told him, and his eyes filled with disappointment.

"When, then?" he'd asked, looking away, down at the keys of the piano that lay silent under his unmoving fingers.

"When I can be sure that you mean it. If you marry me, you aren't backing out," she told him firmly.

"I don't get to decide when I'm ready?" he'd replied, annoyance in his voice.

"When I can be sure," she repeated, turning his head with her hand to meet his troubled eyes with her earnest ones.

As time passed, she was sure he believed she'd forgotten his question, but she thought about it every day. And he never pressed the matter, never asked again. He left it completely up to her. It was nearly three months later when she finally gave in to what she had already known for some time-he was ready for this, and so was she.

"Yes," she'd told him, walking into the bedroom.

"Yes to what?" he'd asked, looking at her like she was crazy.

She climbed onto the bed, kneeling in front of him. She took his hands in hers and looked into his blue eyes, the eyes her son had inherited. The eyes she loved. "Your question. My answer is yes."

She watched his expression transform as her meaning slowly dawned on him. Eyes full of passion, he hadn't said a word, just pulled her in for a kiss that left her breathless.

Cameron's thoughts returned to the present when her husband finally turned to her, his blue eyes meeting hers.

"Didn't he do great?" she asked, her pride obvious in her voice.

"Sure, as far as kindergarten soccer goes," House said with a smirk and a shrug.

Cameron just rolled her eyes. "He's very talented, and not just on the soccer field," she reminded him.

"Yeah," he said softly, looking off into the distance. Parents were slowly milling out of the stands, heading down to the party that was held after every game in the middle of the field. He watched the families reuniting with their sons and daughters, signing to each other enthusiastically.

A small boy ran up and tugged on his dad's sleeve, jumping up and down. Did you see the game? he signed haphazardly, too excited to stand still.

House nodded, signing back. I'm proud of you, kid.

Nathan jumped up on the stands to give him a hug, and House hefted him up as he stood, a skill he attributed to the physical therapy he'd undertaken a few years ago, when he started having trouble picking up Nathan. He refused to let his leg hold him back from any part of being a dad. His determination left him with a lot of painful nights, but it was more than worth it, he was certain of that.

Settling Nathan on his hip, he turned to his wife.

Want to stay for the party or go home? Cameron signed, her wedding ring sparkling in the afternoon sunlight.

Nathan's response was a yawn, nuzzling into his father's shoulder. Cameron smiled.

As the three of them walked back to the car, House looked from his smiling wife to his son, contentedly sleeping on his shoulder, all of them together. All of them happy.

This wasn't the life he'd ever imagined for himself. He never thought he could have been satisfied with this. But he had a life. He had hope. He had a future, and he wasn't alone. He had a Saturday with no case, a beautiful wife all to himself, and a contented, sleeping kid. His kid.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

writing, house

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