Einstein once said that 'only 2 things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.' I can fully support this statement.
On Wednesday I was working in Uni for the Open Day, which is fine. SCLS pay me to do this. I was outside for all the morning, and did end up getting cold and wet because it absolutely tipped it down.... I was out with a UoH umbrella though, so that was ok. For some reason I had Singin' in the Rain stuck in my head for most of it.... haha.
Anyhoo, after lunch I was on campus tours. The first group I took round comprised of 3 guys 2 parents and a girl. Part way round I stopped and mentioned that once every term Patrick Stewart came into the Drama department and worked with the Drama students. Its not in his contract to do that, but he does it anyway, and he thinks the Drama department is one of the best if not the best he's seen in the country (I forget). After I said this I was expecting some response, but instead of getting people going 'wow, that's cool,' none of these people did anything. Blank faces all round. The following conversation then ensued.
'You don't know who Patrick Stewart is?'
*blank faces*
'Can I go home now... please. You people disappoint me'
*some laughter but mostly blank faces*
'Patrick Stewart.... famous actor'
*blank faces*
'Um... Jean Luc Picard? The name ring a bell?'
*blank faces*
'What else has he been in... X Men, um.... Shakespeare on stage...'
*one of the guys is thinking... the x men bit seemed to have rung a teeny bell somewhere down a long tunnel but the thought is slowly getting there*
'You mean that man with the shiny head?'
'Yes! That's the one!'
'Oh I know who you mean now'
But still the parents didn't know who he was! The one person who had spoken was one of the guys who then tried to explain who he was to his mates, but they didn't really get it. Seriously, what is the world coming to?!
Strangely we were even near the picture of him that someone had spray painted onto the wall (I think it is) outside the Firth Street Building.
It's faded a bit now, but here's a picture of the original picture.
We thought they'd removed it when the Queen came, and either they did, or they tried to which is why it's now faded, or they did and someone's redone it. Failing that, it's just the weather that's faded it.
I've also been saying for ages that I should post a picture of what I have to wear to work.
On the right we have the lovely dark blue UoH t-shirt that we now have to wear for indoor events with kids (generally). They're making everyone wear them to combat any potential inappropriate dress and they also mean that you wont get glue or felt tip on your own clothes by accident. The other one, yes the bright orange one (do not mock it), is for things like Open Days etc when we're outside being signposts or just helpful students to people who dont know the university. I joked for a while that I could easily work for Spyker with the orange tshirt, but alas, no.
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No guesses who I work for.... haha. I do now have quite a stack of the lovely orange tshirts, but I'm not entirely sure what to do with them now...