Jan 16, 2006 16:11
yesterday......it was fun. i went to the farmers market in the morning, that was so great. then i bought some dye from that weird store and went home and dyed my hair blue, that was cool, i like it even though the dye job is patchy, it's kinda dark blue-black. nice. then i went to my indoor game, we tied, chris and emma came, and then we went back to emma's house and hung out with chris emma ryan and sophia and then ryan left and then we all curled up in emma's closet and slept even though it was really uncomfortable. and then we woke up and went into the massage room and played never have i ever under a blanket, emma's house is really cold.....it was fun. i was lamenting the loss of innocence from our youth where we went around in a circle and said who we 'liked'. so we did that but it didn't exactly yield results.
Emma: "I have no idea"
Chris: "I love you all"
Sophia: "I like.....welll.....names are not important in this matter."
haha....yeah so anyways then chris had to go home, so we walked him home (bearing in mind it was 2 in the morning and we were cold and in pajamas) and it was crazy deserted outside, it was great. sophia lay down in the middle of Shoreline Highway (the busiest highway in MV) and we kept a look out for rapists and murderers. Some dude pulled over in a car and then we ran really fast. REally fun, though. It was SO light outside. Remind me to do things like that more often.
Today I went home from Em's, and then went to the salon w/my mum, on monday I'm getting my hair recoloured so it's brighter....sweet. yeah i'm done now, i have homework.
(btw, i ate half a pumpkin muffin today and am really angry at myself over that....sugar, dammit)