Harmony - Hmm, I'm going to say that this really wasn't my cup of tea. I liked the bit of their audition song that was shown. I'm a fan of Wicked and their performance of 'What is this feeling?' seemed to be really good but the version of 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' was a bit too bubble gum for me and left something to the imagination.
The Saxophone Guy - No... just, no!
Ben & Becky - Here's the thing, I think these two are amazingly talented. I think, like Amanda said, that they were probably technically brilliant; but it felt like there was something missing from tonight that we saw in the audition. Perhaps if they'd gone with a more "traditional" song and dance things would have worked out better. I think as well that they are so competition trained that they didn't go for more crowd pleasing moves that would have gotten them more votes. Pity.
Shaheen - Wow. Just wow! This kid is twelve and he can already sing like that?! I can't imagine what he'll be like with a bit of training. I love that he chose that song even though it's traditionally done by female singers and I love that he took it on and gave it his all when bigger and more experienced singers wouldn't even try and he completely nailed it!
Barrow Boys - They were okay. Nothing to write home about. Nice guys and they can do their act for the local fete but that is all.
MD Show Group - I love these. I love how socially conscious they are. I love how much passion they have. Amanda nailed it on the head when she said they danced like it was life or death, because that's what it's like watching them. It's as if they have so much anger at the world and feel helpless to effect change because people dismiss them as being "just kids", so they funnel that emotion and passion into the dance and it shows.
Floral Highnotes - She actually has a good operatic voice but a bad attitude. The combination of flowers and opera is not something I want to see again. It seemed like the audience was pretty against them too. They were the only act to get booed.
Stavros Flatley - Gotta admit these guys make me laugh, not as much as the first time but I did like them. I also like how obviously they love each other and love spending time doing this. I get the feeling that it's not about the competition at all but about the quality time they have with each other. Like they could have taken up golf together or fishing but this year they decided to enter BGT.
The Result - I was shocked Shaheen wasn't top of the votes. Really shocked. I liked Stavros Flatley and thought they might be in the top three but I was convinced the two acts going through to the final would be Shaheen and MD Show Group. They were the best two acts on the night.
P.S. OMG! Amanda looked HOT in that dress!