Feb 01, 2009 20:19
Just because I took the time to do it on facebook (and you might not be facebook friends with me) I'm cross posting.
1. I love music, pretty much all music forms. Music = Life
2. Being a photographer is just part of who I am, the camera is just an extension of me. To have been able to mix photography and music together has been both very satisfying and very frustrating.
3. Jess and Jon are the best part of my life. I am so glad they choose to be with me this lifetime.
4. I am not religious in the least; and yet I probably know more about many different religions than most people.
5. I work with energy.
6. I am a healer.
7. I channel.
8. I am empathic.
9. I am highly intuitive.
10. I grew up an air force brat and it taught me many different things. I moved, a lot.
11. I have experienced many things in my life, good and horrible, and I wouldn't change a one of them because I would not be who I am today without those experiences.
12. I spent 4 months in physical therapy learning how to walk again.
13. I abhor dishonesty, game playing, manipulation, passive aggression, and cruelty to name a few things.
14. I am a spiritual counselor.
15. I believe that everyone (from strangers to enemies) have come into my life for a purpose and all are to be valued and learned from.
16. I LOVE my friends and would do anything and everything for them.
17. I try to make a difference in this world one person at a time.
18. I have swam with humpback whales and have felt their songs vibrating against my body in the ocean, which is one of the coolest things I have every experienced.
19. The pacific ocean calls to me and is a part of my soul.
20. Dreams, dreaming, dream walking, time, and the evolution of the soul are some of my favorite subjects to talk about.
21. I love japanese food.
22. I have a huge affinity for Russia; it's people, the land, everything. I will go to St. Petersburg.
23. I will own a 62-64 Vette (split window).
24. I love to write. I have to write. I can't not write; same goes for reading. Libraries rule.
25. I have painted 4 icons: Archeangels Uriel, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.