(no subject)

Jun 02, 2007 08:23

What a lovely morning! I've dropped John at the station and returned to do loads of stuff - but as usual of late everything is buzzing in my head to get things going, yet I feel totally unmotivated. What the hell is wrong with me???? Perhaps it's the sheer volume of work involved. Everywhere I turn there is something that needs doing and nothing seems to get finished. Of course, sitting here moaning about it won't get anything done - I realise that - so I suppose my first task is to hang out all the washing. It really is a glorious day, but the forecast is rain later. Still, I suppose if I get it out now, it could be dry by the time it does rain.

Party later at Simon/Jule's house and I've arranged to meet John there rather than him come home first. Did he take a shirt with - I think not.

I did some healing on myself this morning before I got up - must remember to take pills - and feel happier and better for that. Which reminds me I saw my next door neighbour last night on her way out and she looked great. I commented and she said that the healing I'd given her manifested fully the following day and she's felt great ever since. Makes me feel great when that happens. So I figured if I can work these miracles for others, I need to maintain and build the faith to know I can heal myself, with help from my Higher Power.

And on that note, I'm off to hang out the washing.
See some of you later I hope. Have a great day all of you.

health, healing, chores

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