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May 28, 2005 07:08

i havent been updateing much...i've been buys working,c leaning, settling into my new complete family.
Alot of things are changeing. I feel I should start reinvesting time and thought into reevaluating my life and the people I let participate in it.
I need to find good people. People who do not talk shit about me when I'm not around...People who are not unsympthatic to myself and my family because of their own shelfishness, but expect me to be there for them. And the friends who just call me when they want something like to babysit their children when we have not talked in weeks. These are people that I should probably seperate myself from in order to make my family happy.

My two new lizards are doing wonderful...their both little piggies, that makes me happy.
My mother is going on vacation this weekend, I think we will join her and go out hiking the peak, and camp out at the cabin half way up. It would be fun and maybe we can find some more lizards! lol Can't wait to move and get our house....and we can have a Reptile Room! :: purr::
My sister is off to california to meet her boyfriend, Jason's dad. She didn't say bye to me before she left. Fuck her, too.
I invested alot into Jazzy's preschool. We work on it every day. She is doing so well....I need to have patience, and keep going. She has been enrolled in school and starts in August. It's a Virtual Academy, all state funded...you get a free computer, all the books you need, the compuiter programs you need, and they reimburse you for your internet connection. They have monthly field trips with other virtual academy children, and you confer with a teacher weekly about your childs progress. They also have you send in some of their work so they can chart her progress. Students enrolled in the virtual academy also particpate in the state tests, like the SAT's.
We met a new couple a few nights ago...their troubled, but not too terribley...they moved here from texas to stay with her sister, who's husband is going to Iraq and needs the support, so they have a bit of money problems. Josh is working now, and stevie is looking for a job. Their both incredibly sweet and straight edged so that's a plus, too. Stevie is in love with the rattius and wants a pair :) She may also be getting one of my dwarf hamsters since their fighting is driving me crazyand I don't want them hurting each other anymore.
Carrie should be coming this weekend to get the birdies :) I know they'll be going to a good home.
We found Jake a good home this past weekend with a sweet girl.
Next weekend, the remaining rats will be going with Noah up to the farm.
Hopefully it'll warm up some today...iw ant to go outside and paint with jazzy today..she's been so excited about arts & crafts and her school work. She always asks if she can do more :) That makes me happy :)
Fucking Paco woke me up at 6...on a damn saturday...grrr Can't wait to find HIM a home lol Soon we'll be down to our alloted amount of animals to move easily with. Then I'll start getting rid of everythign else. selling everything, moving, and rebuying shit is going to be cheaper then trying to move all myshit, so that is what we are going to be doing. Aside from our animals, we are starting all over.
the window behind the computer is up a crack, and my toes are freezing Ishould go take care of that...
Michael's mom is coming out next weekend.Hopefully that'll go well. She's been planning onc oming for 3 or 4 weks now, but everytime something comes up and she cannot.but yesterday she got the tickets for next weekend so she will be coming. I need to clean a little bit..house isen't really that bad actually so it should not be too hard. Think I'm going to take all this laundry to my moms to do.
Michael is doing so-so..he was doing fine, but we're running low on his seizure meds. And I know if he stops them suddenly, he'll seize from the shock, so we took him down to two pills a day isntead of three, and yesterday he almost had a seizure... :-s I have to keep a clsoe eye on him the next couple of days. Cannot go get more meds....nuerologist who could perscribe them wants $200 just of ra visit god forbide he has to do anything.
My angel is ariseing I need to go cuddle with her.
bye all, sorry it took so long to update.
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