Obladee, Oblada...

Nov 27, 2007 12:36

So Grams’ funeral is tomorrow. I asked my boss today if I could take the morning off, and then told her nevermind and that I would go to the showing this evening because there was no way I could get to work after the funeral. She responded, by reminding me that I have three days bereavement time and that all I had to do was bring in the obituary with my name in it as her granddaughter. It’s a good thing that Grams didn’t believe in steps.

Apparently, despite the fact that the many people who have beef with me don’t give a damn what else I’m going through, the Marion County Clerk’s Office does.

Government has more heart than these people. That says a hell of a lot, doesn’t it?

My birthday is coming up next Tuesday as well. I haven’t had a good day on my birthday since I can remember HAVING birthdays, and I don’t expect this year to be any different. Hell, I’ll probably get CALLS from several people telling me what a jerk I am and how worthless they think I am and reiterating everything that I’ve supposedly said to them that was awful (that I most likely HAVEN’T said, or that is being twisted around for me.)

It’s December 4th, guys. Have at it. Although you might be violating a no contact order if you do.

In the meantime, though, I think that I AM going to try and have a celebration for it, but I’m putting it off a month since the holiday season is so busy. So put January 12th on your calendars, kids. That’s officially my “I’m changing my birthday” party. I’m not sure what I’m going to DO yet. I’d LIKE to just get together at someone’s house and have cake and hang out. My place is a little small for that, though.

Does anyone want to host my belated birthday party for me? I’ll buy food! =)

Truth be told, it’s really just an excuse to have a party. I’d like to have a party. You know? I never had birthday parties when I was a kid because my parents were kinda nuts, so I’m making up for it now.

And I usually don’t expect presents, but people decide that they want to buy them anyway. So PLEASE KNOW that I will NOT BE HURT if you don’t buy anything. However, since I get in trouble for never telling anyone what I want for my birthday, I made a wish list over at Amazon.com (’cause, hey, books.) Feel free to peruse, I’ll continue to add to it between now and mah birfday.

And don’t worry, if I get two of the same from anybody, I like having extra copies of stuff to loan out. (Or there may be a way to mark it “received” if you buy it without putting your name on there. If so, yay! But if not, don’t worry about it.)

(note: there are people who read this who can’t in good conscience buy me any pagan books. So if you CAN, then it’s probably a safe bet to shoot for those and save the more benign stuff for them.

So, I’m off work from tomorrow to Monday, I’m book surfing for my birthday, and my grandmother’s funeral is tomorrow and I actually get to go. I guess today isn’t shaping up to be too bad.

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