"Funky butt lovin'..." - Rookie Of The Year. <333.

Jul 22, 2004 20:24

So my being grounded isn't so bad. Yay for relax time. I had my singing lesson today. So that was fun. Erm. I'm doing well in it. And next year I think I may go out for whatever show Toby's Dinner Theatre will be doing. So yay for that.

Now I'm home alone and freezing cold. I've been writing. I'll post maybe later what I've been working on.

Mary H. is coming over tomorrow! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I need help choosing a shirt. Any suggestions?

Name: Dana.
Sex: Female.
Age: 15.
Screen Name: danasays x
Meaning: Well, my name is Dana. And when I type, it's what I'm saying. And the x is decoration.
Siblings: My brother, Mo.
Status: Single.
Pets: A pug, Maxine. And two finches, Adelaide & Nathan.
Writing Hand: Righty.

Nervous Habits: This is pretty gross, but when I'm nervous, I fart alot. x_X.
Do you bite your nails? Only when there's not clippers around.
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yeah man.
Can you blow smoke rings? I tried once and it didn't work. And I don't smoke.
Can you blow spit bubbles? I have before, but by accident.
Can you flare your nostrils? Yes, and I have to for when I sing.
Can you cross your eyes? Yes.
Tattoos? Not yet.
Piercing? Seven.
Do you make your bed daily? Usually only when my bed looks like hell.


What goes on first, underwear or socks? Undies.
Which shoe goes on first? Right? Never really thought about it.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Toe rings, hemp anklet, rope necklace, the bracelet Leksi made me.
What's sexiest on a guy? Eyes.
What's sexiest on a girl? Boobs? Never really thought about it.
Favorite Piece of Clothing: Tees. 
Pajamas: Shorts or MdS pants, and either a tank top, my green TSL shirt, or the BRAK shirt Dan gave me.

Have you ever eaten Spam? No, but I'd like to try it. :D.
Favorite Ice Cream? The good B&J stuff with the brownies and cookie dough and stuff in it.
How many cereals in your cabinet? One.
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? My fingaaaaaz.

How often do you brush your teeth? Twice or more a day. 
How often do you shower/bathe? Once a day. Unless I'm bumming it. Never longer than every other day. That's gross.
How long does your shower last? 10ish minutes.
Hair drying method? Blow dry then straighten with my super straightener by REVLONNNN.
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? Maybe.
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs? I'm going with Kelli's logic on this. I'll be 50lbs. That way, I can gain my weight back. But I could never get rid of herpes. Besides, herpes is ickular.
Do you swear? Like a sailor.
Do you ever spit? Erm. It's not a habit or anything, usually when I brush my teeth or need to.


Animal: Monkeys, Flamingos, Ducks.
Food: Crabs.
Month: May.
Day: Friday.
Cartoon: Family Guy.
Flower: Dasies.
Shoe Brand: Chuck Taylors.
Subject in school: French, Chorus. Gym was so much fun with Britt and Mary.
Color: Pink. Then Kelly Green.
TV show: Family Guy.
Movie: All musicals. Trainspotting. Big Fish. <3. I <333 Ewan McGregor. Ha.
Holiday: Jesus' birfday.
Book: Well, reading plays, then A Midsummer Night's Dream. Real book, then The Georgia Nicolson series.
Vacationing Spot: OC. Outer Banks.
TV Station: ABCFamily? E! Comedy Central. VH1.


The CD Player: John Mayer "Room For Squares".
Person you talk most on the phone with: Sydney?
Ever taken a cab? Uh huh.
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? I'll look while I pass by, but I won't stare. No longer than like, two seconds. So I'm glancing.
What color is your bedroom? Light ass pink.
Do you use an alarm clock? Nope. But I need one.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Hmm. No idea.
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? Nope.
Sunbathed nude? No. But I've been half naked before with a bathing suit. :P.
Window seat or aisle? Who says aisle? Window baybeeee.

What's your sleeping position? Side.
What kind of bed do you like? Erm. I like high beds, but mine isn't high at all. Daybeds are nice. I like the couch-ness of it.
Do you snore? I think, when I'm sick, I do.
Do you sleepwalk? Nope. But somehow my retainer came out of my mouth and the dog chewed it up. So I don't know how that happened.
Do you talk in your sleep? Ha. Yeah.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? Yes. Barbara, Cartman, Hello Kitty, Jude, Hendrix, and Sunshine Bear. :) :).


Coke or Pepsi? CocaCola.
Apples or Oranges: Oranges.
One pillow or two? Deux.
Deaf or blind? Deaf.
Pools or hot tubs? Both. But pools.
Blondes or brunettes? BRUNETTES baby.
TV or radio? CD player.
Tic-Tacs or Certs? Tic-Tacs.

Snooze button or jump out of bed? Snooz-a-roo.
Sunrise or Sunset? Depends on what they both mean to me.
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? Cheeseburger.
Morning or night? Both.
Indoors or outdoors? Both.
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? XmasEve.
Cake or ice cream? Cake. Yum.
Bert or Ernie? I like them both. Together.
Spicy or Mild? Mild.

Spearmint or Peppermint? Spearmint.
Call or Write? rite. Awww. So cute. My friend used to write me letters. Then he stopped. Aw.
Peanut Butter or Jelly? NuttyButter. 
Dog or Cat? Doggies.
Bath or shower? Shower.
Book or Movie? Movie.
Green or Red apples? Green.
Rain or Snow? Rain. Sunshowers.

another one...

1. Name: Dana
2. Age: 15.
3. Sex: Female.
4. Cherry or apple?: Cherry.
5. Single?: Yerp.
7. What do you prefer - sex or make love??: Make love?
8. Are you a virgin?: Yerp.
9. Nationality?: Norwegian, Irish, Italian, German.
10. What's your favorite holiday?: The birth of Christ.
11. Favorite sports?: Volleyball. Hahahaha.
12. Does size really matter?: Sometimes.
13. Favorite color?: Pink and Kelly Green.
14. Favorite movie(s): Musicals and Ewan McGregor movies.
15. Do you wear pajamas or sleep in the nude?: Jammies.
16. Candles or incense?: Candles. 
17. Car or truck?: Little itty bitty cars.
18. Music: Where to start? Anything from Brand New to John Mayer to Norah Jones to Frank Sinatra to The Beatles. So much.
19. Laugh or cry at a funeral?: Neither.
21. Do you believe in chain letters?: Blech, no.
22. Do you sleep with your stuffed animal?: Mhrm.
23. Do you love anyone?: I wish I could.
24. McDonalds or Burger King?: Depends.
25. What is/are your mostly used nickname(s)?: Dane Dane choo choo train, DanaBurger, DanaBaby (I get that a lot from different people).
26. What's the worst thing you have ever done?: Um. Cheated on someone? And in French. I guess?
27. Obsession?: No idea.
28. How often do you clean your room?: Like, everyday. I love my room clean.
29. Number 1 on your list to have sex with?: Um. This guy?
30. Sexiest person you know: Haha. I have no idea. I do have some cute guy friends. But sexy? No idea who.
31. What do you wanna name your kids?: Vivain, Libby, Maria, Roselyn. Jesse, Ewan, Colin, Joey, Daniel.
34. Pepsi or Dr. Pepper?: Eh.
35. Is Vanilla Ice cool or does he still suck?: He's alright.
36. Rather eat at home or out?: Depends.
37. Favorite cartoon?: Family Guy, if that counts.
38. Rather be a Smurf or Scooby Doo?: Smurfette. She was hot and I want to be a hot blue turd too. 
39. Tyra Banks or Mya?: Tyra Banks. She has real pretty eyes.
40. Where are your piercings?: Ears.
41. Drugs?: Nope.
42. Jerry Springer or Ricki Lake?: Jerry. hoot.
43. If you could be reincarnated, what would you come back as?: A bird.
45. Brownies or cupcakes?: Both.
46. If you had 24 hours left to live, how would you spend it?: Um. Do dangerous shit and chill with the people I love the most.
47. Cat-person or dog-person?: Dawdies.
48. What's better - bass or guitar?: Both. But someone told me Bass was guitar for retards, so that tainted it a bit for me. You suck <3.
49. Is your writing messy or neat?: Both. Ha.
50. Where do you want to live?: London. New York. Paris. Sydney. All over, really.
51. How many kids do you want?: A lot.
52. Habla espanol?: 8 years of it. Now I'm in my second year of French.
53. Have you ever run away?: Nope.
54. Does anyone owe you money?: Yeah. Probably.
55. Are you happy or sad right now?: Cold.
56. Would you rather smoke two joints or do your homework?: Smoke? Well really, I just hate homework.
57. How's school?: It's Summer. I love my school though. But schoolwork sucks.
58. What do you think you will die of?: Being old.
59. Worst smell in the world: Vomit?
60. Favorite place to go: New York. My room.
61. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Singer. Actress. Artist. Songwriter. Pianist.
63. Do you go to church?: Nope. I don't fully believe in organized religions.
64. What do you do when your bored?: Listen to music.
65. Beavis or Butt-head?: mmm. Both. ;).
66. Book or magazine?: Depends.
67. Ever seen a ghost?: Nope.
68. Do you believe in witchcraft?: Not so much.
69. Do you sleep with the music on?: Sometimes.
70. King Of The Hill? or ?The Simpsons??: Simpsons.
72. Do men suck?: When they want to.
73. Do women suck?: When they want to. Yes.
74. Ever been arrested?: Nope.
75. Mad TV or Mad Magazine?: Mad Magazine.
76. Steak or salad?: Salad.
77. Craziest thing you've ever done: Um. A lot of things actually.
78. What's the band you hate the most?: Um. Teenie Bopper stuff.
79. Worst TV show?: Reality ones on Fox and stuff.
79 1/2. Have you ever cheated on someone?: Sorta. Like. We weren't officially dating yet. Plus I wanted to call it off anyway. And he doesn't know about any of this. e.e. *smacks head*.
80. Have you ever been cheated on?: Doubt it.
81. Beer or wine?: Both.
83. Favorite book: The books of the Georgia Nicolson series. But i loved reading the play, A Midsummer Night's Dream.
84. Favorite number(s): 2.
85. "Haha" or "hehe"?: Haha. I guess.
86. Bright or dark?: Both.
87. Favorite radio station(s): 100.7 even thought I hardly listen to the radio.
88. Is it a...?: tangerine? Yes.
89. One good thing and one bad thing about the person who sent this to you: Kelli Rocks. And there's nothing bad.
90. If you had the chance to be on Titanic knowing it was gonna sink, would you still go?: Yes. And I'd tell them to stay away from the goddamn iceburgs.
91. Do you have a secret crush on anyone that you want to tell?: No. I told him. :D.
92. If you could have $100,000,000 or love, what would you have?: Love.
93. End with a quote: "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons..." Woody Allen.


- Your sex: Female.
- Sex of that perfect somebody: Male.
- Your age: 15.
- Their age: 17.
- Your planned degree(s): Musical Theatre. Voice.
- Their planned degree(s): Whatever they want.


- Do they smoke? Doesn't matter.
- Do you smoke? No.
- What kind of vehicle do they drive? A car.
- Are they on top of world events and politics? If they want to be.
- Did you vote in your nation's last big election? Nope. M&D did though.
- How religious are they? My perfect person? Doesn't matter.
- When they disagree with you, they: Do it with maturity.
- Traits you love: Funny, Cute, Everything.  
- Traits that get to you: Being ignorant, and just negative stuff.


- If they were an athlete, in what Olympic event would they compete? Swimming. Yummy bodies.
- What commercial sport would they want tickets to watch? Hockey. Baseball.
- If they won a free accessory/upgrade to their vehicle, Big stereo?
- Their favorite computer accessory? Digital Camera?
- If they took you to a concert, it would be of: Music we both like.
- Would they take you to a museum or theme park? Theme Park.
- Cats or dogs? Dogs.
- If they play one instrument, it would be: Guitar.
- Their dream job might be: Musician.
- Your dream job? Fine Arts.


- Do you want children and if so, how many? Yes. And many.
- Who would be their primary care provider? Me and the father.
- The greatest thing about kids: Cuteness. Identities.
- The worst thing about kids: Spolidness.
- Would you buy them a car? If they pay for half.
- Would you pay for college? I'd add something to it.
- Would you or your somebody be the primary financial provider? Both.
- Divorce is...Sucky.


- Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, Bubbly, Musical.
- Three adjectives that describe them: Funny, Outgoing, Musical.
- Do they prefer to relax or stay busy? Both.
- Their goals in life are dynamic, realistic, or impossible? All but impossible.
- Do they prefer spontaneous or well planned? Spontaneous.
- Do they sing in the shower? Yes.
- Introvert or Extrovert? Don't know.
- What is difficult to get from them; together time or time apart? Neither?...


- What skin tone is your perfect somebody? Sorta tan.
- Describe their hair: Sorta messy.
- How tall (or short) are they? 5'10"-6'1".
- What shape are they (eg. petite, athletic, burly, or like a bouncer)? Pretty well rounded. Athletic is good.
- Piercings: Erm. Doesn't matter, sort of.
- Tattoos: That's fine.
- When you look at their face, you quickly notice: Eyes, Smile.
- The perfect eye color: Green/Hazel.
- _You_ would go to a Renaissance Faire dressed as: A princess.
- _They_ would go to a Renaissance Faire dressed as: A knight.
- They prefer mountain biking, rollerblading, or skate boarding? Doesn't matter.

My Idea Of Hell
*On the CD player: Rap.
*On the radio: TRL stuff.
*On the TV: TRL.
*On the VCR: Kaazam.
*Your spouse/partner: Asshole redneck who beats me.
*Your dinner: Animal blood and eyeballs and testicles and shit.
*Your clothes: Um. Ripped up?
*Your hair: Wavy and frizzy. Like it gets before I fix it.
*Your library: All math books.
*Your dwelling: Being lonely.
*Your neighborhood: Dirty.
*Your job: Prostitute.
*Having a conversation with: Satan?

My Idea of Heaven
*On the CD player: Jazz. Stuff like Frank Sinatra, Diana Krall, Billie Holiday, etc. 
*On the radio: All the music I like.
*On the VCR: All the movies I like?
*Your. spouse/partner: Someone I really love and get along with and all that. 
*Your dinner: Crabs and rice.
*Your clothes: Tee shirts and pretty pants.
*Your hair: The way it is now, plus highlights.
*Your library: Filled with fun books.
*Your dwelling: Love and holiday.
*Your neighborhood: Like a nice, Soho/Brooklyn style lofts.
*Your job: Jazz singer. Musical Theatre actress.
*Having a conversation with: The one I love.

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