And Now For Something Completely Different Pt 2

May 22, 2006 19:28

The End is near, the End is near!

No, really, it is. Technically, it’s impossible for it not to be. But how soon?

There are so many theories on when the world will end that it’s hard to even begin. Nostradamus apparently predicted the end for 2000, and last time I checked we were still here. One of my personal favourites says Armageddon will occur when the world’s population reaches 6.66 billion, though it’s hard to say why it didn’t end at 6.66 million. Anyways, if that one is true, we’re all in trouble. The official CIA website says we’re already at 6.45.
Did you know that there’s a 1 in 300 chance that an asteroid will hit Earth in 2029? And, of course, that’s considered a rather high chance. And then, if you read really good books like Good Omens© the world will end on a Saturday, just after tea time.

The moral of this little story? Be thankful for what you’ve got, ‘cause it could end any day now. Appreciate that lovely chem 30 final coming up… or… not.
Don’t worry, the world isn’t over.


The author would like to note that no one has yet shown her a person who doesn’t like music. Due to this she will not, regrettably, be able to present her new boyfriend, Jack Sparrow.


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