
Mar 30, 2006 20:58

My God if anyone actually knew how lazy I was I would probably would get kicked right out of school. Here I am thinking to myself is there anything else I could possibly do to avoid doing any readings or be in any way productive? Yes there are many things and I have created a short list:
1. Paint all of your nails with a base coat, 2 color coats, and a top coat
2. Look for the bunny who sometimes visits my backyard (I haven't seen Mr. Bunbun for months O.o;)
3. Leave msn on all the time
4. Organize my shocks by color, thickness, and length
5. Choreograph a dance to R. Kelly’s World’s Greatest *I am eagle* OHHHH *jumps around like an eagle*
6. Compile a short list of things to do to waste time

Maybe I should be trying to finish the next chapter of Yesterday's Feelings? Oh wait school has sapped any creative juices from me! Sorry to say but I won't be finishing the next chapter until I get home and I can empty my head of cash flows, NPV, leadership, economies of scale, and entity relationship diagrams. I think the covers some useless crap from every class! SOOO brain dead.

This is how sad it really is:
Me sitting in finance with friend
Me: have you signed up for a volunteer shift yet? I am short for the first shift do it!
Friend: Umm what are you talking about?
Me: You know I need to collect more people, it's not like you are doing anything else
Friend: Only organizing the beer/food purchases
Me: oh wait... right you are on the committee as well OH GOD!
Friend: No kidding! In fact the meeting was only like 2 days ago that is sad really sad...

Well that is about it for me! Off to watch the mind numbing pleasure of the O.C. Later
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