Just when you think you have it all figured out...

Jan 18, 2007 19:33

You realize you don't.  Well, I've been thinking of staying with my job for the five years so I can get my pension when I'm old and gray (a check coming in each month no matter how small is very nice indeed).  My stats have been pretty good recently, getting along great with my coworkers and I'm beginning to tolerate my job.  However, that all changed this afternoon, reminding me once more I need to leave and find something I REALLY love to do.  You see...for the last few months, we have been trying to get the signature card filing cabinet straightened up and every time I think I'm getting ahead I fall behind.  It's really no one else's fault but my own...I kept procrastinating because a) I didn't manage my time, b) I don't like my job, and c) there are just too dang many of those darn cards.  Everything has to be checked in triplicate and I'm not the one making the mistakes (most of the time).  At any rate, my manager blew a gasket when she saw the unfinished stacks which really weren't that bad because they just needed a second person to check them off.  She ranted and raved about lying to her (it was just miscommunication because her idea of "done" was different than mine) as well as putting me out on the street and finding someone to replace me.  It was harsh and unnecessary...however, I would have taken the writeup without a word of protest because it should have been done.  Her attitude should have been better but it should have been done.  Therefore, I think it's a sign I need to start making my plans to leave.

So on to more lighter fare...CSI: Las Vegas and Grey's Anatomy were on but what did I find myself doing?  Staying here finding all the news articles on Jean Smart, Gregory Itzin, James Morrison, and Jayne Atkinson that I could get my hands on through Google Search and News.  Took at least two hours to find and post them all but my two yahoo sites are now fully updated.  I couldn't think of anything more creative than BillLovesKaren for my B/K ship but at least I have a group up and running!  Despite my rummaging for news articles, I did manage to watch a new episode of Shark with yet another stunning actress....I don't know who their casting agent is over there but they find the most talented unknowns in Hollywood. It's amazing!

This one was entitled Wayne's World and they were back in fine form with a battle of wits on display.  Shark is about the intellect, not the action.  This time it was the guy from the movie Rocketeer who went head to head with Shark.  He had been studying since his early days as a lawyer and had admired him from afar.  He also happened to be a serial killer who was very good in getting inside the heads of his victims.  The amazing actress I was talking about earlier happened to be one of the ones who survived.  She conveys so much pain and suffering through her eyes and voice that it immediately transfixes you the moment she opens her mouth...and then she has to testify while her attacker cross examines her because that's what serial killers love to do...torture their victims.  The poor girl ends up killing herself and Shark feels so guilty.  Of course, he ends up escaping the hangman's noose thanks to his crafty handling of the case and now he's a threat to Shark's daughter which has the usually calm James Woods really petrified.  My advice: Send the daughter to New York so she is as far away from this guy as possible.  However, then what would we have for the season finale?
Well, there have been some interesting developments since Day Six of 24 has debuted...and one of those developments is a more definite time frame of when the Logans will return.  In fact, according to this news article it could be as early as Hour Ten which makes it around the end of February.  Now I have something to look forward to again.  I'm not liking the idea of his fall from grace...one of my favorite things that had me enthralled with the man was the power he wielded.  Now he's anything but powerful.  However! I was watching a biography of Nixon and I swear the writers modeled Charles after him because the guy was one way with one person and another way with someone else.  He was a loner, a political genius, a hard worker, and devoted to his wife...sound familiar?  When he fell from grace, he would give reporters a few minutes of his time in exchange for insider scoop about things in DC.  Most importantly, he was an avid conspiracy theorist.  I swear if he was still alive he would love 24 because that's why I love this show...all the backstabbing, double crossing, and don't forget the admitting of feelings at the oddest times because of the pressure.  Anyways, let's get back to the article.  I posted it below :D

Jack Bauer, the flawed superhero

By Kevin D. Thompson
Palm Beach Post Television Writer

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jack Bauer is just a TV character, the product of some writer's vivid imagination. He's as real as The Tooth Fairy. Or Santa Claus.

But it never feels that way

He doesn't eat. He doesn't sleep. He doesn't have sex. Whenever we see Jack, he's too busy saving the world from another band of bloodthirsty terrorists.

Jack may not exist in the real world, but that doesn't

matter. What's more important is that we wish he did - especially in such unsettling times after 9/11. Jack Bauer is a new breed of secret agent, the kind you want on your side when the nation's civil liberties are at stake. He's brutal and ruthless because he knows that's what the job requires. He doesn't wear an Armani tux. He's probably never ordered a martini or raced around in an invisible car.

Jack Bauer is a real person with flaws and baggage and emotional scars that make him three-dimensional. Human.

And that's no accident.

"I think characters have been getting deeper and more complex on television, particularly from Michael Chiklis (Vic Mackey on The Shield) to Tony Soprano (on The Sopranos) and I think Jack Bauer is part of that continuum of characters," says Howard Gordon, one of 24's executive producers. "He's obviously a damaged character."

That's never been more apparent than at the start of 24's sixth - and perhaps darkest - season.

The last time we saw Jack, he was literally on a slow boat to China. Fast forward two years later. There are hideous scars on Jack's back from two years of unimaginable torture in a Chinese prison. His hair is long and scraggly. He has an unkempt beard and hasn't uttered a word in 24 months.

He's ready to die.

"We see the cumulative wear on his soul," Gordon says. "He's suffered what he has inflicted on others."

But this is 24, a thrill-ride drama that moves like a whizzing bullet. No matter how much torture Jack has suffered, you know it's only a matter of time before he's back in top, killing-machine form.

Once again, the U.S. is being victimized by terrorist attacks - 10 cities in 11 weeks have suffered from suicide bombings. More than 900 people have been killed. Meanwhile, some conservative government officials are prepared to round up every Muslim and place them in detention facilities, or as one concerned bureaucrat calls them, concentration camps.

Anarchy can't be far behind.

Yes, the world needs Jack Bauer... again.

No other TV drama grabs you by the throat every season and dares you to escape. And if you love 24, you simply don't want to. You succumb to its grip and simply enjoy wherever the show plans to take you.

Ironically, many times even the show's writers have no idea where 24 is headed. "We've covered so much ground, I feel like we're mining territory that we've really mined before," Gordon admits. "It feels very improvisational. It seems to be getting harder and harder to get ahead. I can't really speak to why except (to say) that I think it's become a harder show to write rather than an easier one."

As always, there will be new and familiar faces this season. Wayne Palmer (DB Woodside), David's younger brother, is the country's new president, sort of a black version of RFK. I may be wrong, but 24 could be the only show in television history to have had two black presidents. While Wayne looks more like a hunky male model than a take-charge commander-in-chief, well, this is 24, so some suspension of disbelief is required.

Peter MacNicol (Ally McBeal) also joins the show as a Palmer's chief of staff who barks lines like, "Security has its price!" Later this season, look for Rick Schroder (NYPD Blue) as a forceful CTU operative, James Cromwell (The Queen) as Jack's estranged dad, Powers Booth (Deadwood) as Vice President Noah Daniels and Chad Lowe (Unfaithful) as a savvy politico who can't be trusted.

Disgraced President Logan (Gregory Itzin) and former first lady Martha Logan (Jean Smart) will also return around Hour 10. "They come back because we love writing for them and love seeing them and we just miss them," Gordon says. "It was kind of like having a great ballplayer and passing them the ball."

This year, 24 goes head-to-head with Heroes, NBC's popular superhero drama. "It's a great show," Gordon acknowledges. "Thank God for TiVo. I hope we both sort of ride on the same time (and that) more people come to watch TV as a result."

The clock is ticking, people. Time to strap yourself in.


As played by the gravelly voiced Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer has become an American hero, the ultimate company man who will sacrifice anything - including his own life - for the good of his country.

One last thing before I leave...I have to include this wonderful meme!  Reply to this post, and I will tell you my favorite icon of yours. Then post this to your own journal using your own favorite icon. Repost it if you want, if not just let me have fun looking through your icons to tell you my favorite(s).

Stolen from 

Anyone have any aspirin?  I'd give anything for some aspirin...how about some plutonium or nerve gas in return?

meme, news

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