Aug 08, 2011 17:49
I am still feeling like a sleep-deprived zombie after the holiday. I do wish my brain wasn't so stupid when it comes to sleep. Admittedly, most of my lack of sleep was caused by being far too hot during the night, which was partly caused by the weather and lack of openable windows, but mostly was my own fault, since I know full well that I can't sleep if I eat late, but still eagerly stuffed myself with seconds and thirds hours after my normal dinner time. However, it wasn't helped by my inability to lie-in in the morning. I always wake up between 6.30 and 7, but if I can stumble to the toilet and back again without properly opening my eyes, I'm usually able to fall asleep again and doze until at least 8. Unfortunately, this only works when I'm in a dark room with no background noise, which means that it hardly ever works when I'm on holiday or away for the weekend - which is precisely when I most need to be able to lie in, since I tend to go to bed later than normal.
The really annoying thing is that I'm completely capable of falling asleep in front of the TV - and did so several times last week - and have even managed to fall asleep on a beanbag during roleplaying sessions in broad daylight. Why, then, am I incapable of falling back to sleep in the morning if there's any light or noise, when neither light nor noise keep me from falling asleep when I don't actually want to? Grr!
ow and oops