
Jul 17, 2008 03:23

Greetings to one and all!
Have had a recent realisation, that I have not been in touch with too many people in too darn long. And so, I seek to make ammends!

First up! Quick update on where I am now and what I am currently up to...
  • Moved out of student dorms and now in a nice little place in Hanwell, West London (will upload some photos this weekend), have had an unfortunate incident where my flatmate ended up running off on me (another story for another time) and am now on the interview warpath for a new, potential flatmate.
  • Just finished my 2nd year at uni (although there may be a hiccup or two with that - to be discussed at a later date).
  • Currently looking for a second part-time job, just to give me a little extra money for the pocket. If anyone knows of anything available in London, please please please let me know ASAP danke!
  • Now in a, somewhat, serious and wonderful relationship with someone I could now never imagine living without. Yes yes, the commitment phobe appears to have settled, shock and awe all round, blah blah blah, but moi is happy! So nerrr :P
  • Is trying one's best to save up some money to come home to Singapore at Christmas, but I make no promises just yet!
So there is a nice, rounded update and insight into the life of me! I expect a similar update from people soon! There are too many of you that I seem to have lost contact with over the past 8 -12 months. Too much has been going on for us all I presume. Well no excuses from now on! I aim to make the effort and now so should you (only kidding, you don't have to but it would be nice to hear from a few people).

Hope all is well in the realms of all! Promise to keep this better updated than the last.
Love to all xx
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