Nov 20, 2004 18:41
so. last night.
fucking amazing, as usual. evidently some ditzybitchy”omigoshlolz!!1!!!11!!” sophomore girls think i’m either addicted to drugs or i’m a bitch. cant deny the latter. besides, i have my friends in madison, and i have lou. their approval to me is about as useful as a bible. its an interesting story, but the actual meaning behind it is not something i choose to believe/ (to be blunt) care about.
it was simon’s birthday, so when heather jared linnea and i went to linnea’s house, we got to open presents (or at least watch simon open them) and then eat. we ended up just hanging out in her kitchen all night, all of us, slightly linnea’s mom and simon, dan, and mike. sound boring? quite the opposite. it was an amazing Friday night. i wouldnt have chosen to spend it any other way.
lou called me while i was there. i’ll spare the details of the weird OMIGOSHQTFBBQ noise i made when his number came up on my phone. he was drunk, which made the conversation hilarious. linnea and heather talked to him. heather said he had a hot voice. ah, i love my friends.
today? work. subway. starbucks. i bought a bag of ground starbucks coffee at stopnshop. god knows i’ll need it. the week coming up isnt looking very promising, until wednesday of course.
my aunt and uncle are here, so i must be off. they want me to be social. ::shudder::