dizzytara did this thing where you leave a comment and she assigns you fandoms and you have to answer questions about them.
Metal Gear Solid
1. What got you into the fandom in the first place?
It was a direct offshoot of my love for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
2. Do you think you'll stay in the fandom or eventually move on?
Good question. I don't really feel like I'm involved in the fandom much at all, so it's hard to say. But I do believe that Snake himself will remain an interest for some time.
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Based on the cutscenes I've watched (since my attempts at actually playing these games have been laughable at best), I think my favorite is Snake Eater.
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
Not really. I did belong to
capslock_mgs but I ended up leaving because I didn't know what people were talking about most of the time.
5. Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
I think it's a bit of an acquired taste, really.
Super Smash Bros.
1. What got you into the fandom in the first place?
Kevin bought me Brawl. Why? So we could fight each other as Link and Zelda. Yes, that is the real reason.
2. Do you think you'll stay in the fandom or eventually move on?
Oh, I think I'm sticking around.
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Brawl. I'm not even interested in trying the earlier two games, because Brawl is so awesome.
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
A little bit. I'm a co-mod of
snakexsamus, which is Brawl-based, and I've written some well-received fanfic (which I really need to finish).
5. Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
For people who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they will like.
The Legend of Zelda
1. What got you into the fandom in the first place?
The original game. Mind you, I was twelve, and this was long before the internet, so fandom as we know it didn't exist at that time.
2. Do you think you'll stay in the fandom or eventually move on?
I've been here for twenty years, I'm not leaving now.
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Link to the Past is my favorite video game of all time, chiefly for nostalgic reasons. It was the first really long game I ever beat, and this was back before the days of readily-available strategy guides and walkthroughs, which means that I solved everything all on my own. I was sixteen, and I was kind of stupidly proud.
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
Yeah, a little... Heh. I'm a co-mod at
thegirlsofzelda and
zelda_vintage and an administrator at the Zeldapedia, for starters.
5. Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?
I've always thought that.