(no subject)

Dec 07, 2005 00:00

So Kevin and I put up our Christmas tree tonight. Our house is Christmas-ified. Whee!

For some reason, I'm in the mood to assess holiday carols.

These are the Christmas songs I would be very happy to NEVER hear again.

1. Happy Holidays -- GAH. I loathe this carol. It's just stupid. Plus, I hate songs with nonsense words, and that bit about "loop-de-loo and dickory dock" sets my teeth on edge every time.

2. Sleigh Ride -- I'm sorry, but it's just hopelessly outdated. How many people randomly go for sleigh rides anymore? And that bit about the party at Farmer Gray's house sounds positively boring. Chestnuts popping on the fireplace? I barely know anyone who has a fireplace, much less uses it for the purposes of roasting chestnuts. Besides...who in the world says "yoo-hoo" anymore unless they're referring to a chocolate soft drink?

3. Winter Wonderland -- I'm going to clarify here. I don't mind most of this song; the first verse, about pretending the snowman is the parson, is cute. It's the second verse that drives me up a wall. Show me two adults who are going to build a snowman and pretend that it's a circus clown. It's not like the snowman does anything halfway amusing. And what's the crap about "until the other kiddies come around"? You're a grown couple, you are not "kiddies."

4. Jingle Bells -- Yes, I am that much of a Scrooge that I dislike good old JB. Sorry. It gets on my nerves. About the most entertaining thing this song has going for it is the random trivia nonsense that Bobtail is the name of the horse. But again, people don't go for sleigh rides anymore, not on a regular basis. Plus, it's just kind of dumb all the way around.

5. Christmas Shoes -- I don't hate this song. I don't dislike this song. I just resent the way it makes me cry every time I hear it. If you've never heard this thing, count yourself lucky; it's about a little boy who wants to buy a pair of shoes on Christmas Eve for his mother, who is dying, because "I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight." It's gut-wrenching. I turn it off the instant it starts on the radio.

6. Silver Bells -- I don't particularly loathe this song or anything, but it annoys me for some inexplicable reason. Maybe it's that whole business about "it's Christmastime in the city." As if it's not Christmastime elsewhere. Also, the line about "as the shoppers rush home with their treasures" is just stupid to me.

7. Feliz Navidad -- Overplayed. Enough said.

That said, here are things I think should be played more often:

~ Anything with Muppets. They did a Christmas album with John Denver some years ago; we have it. It's lovely and wonderful and the songs that are on there should be played often.

~ Anything by my beloved Trans-Siberian Orchestra. There is no such thing as a bad TSO song.

~ Any of the religious carols, which I still love most.

And on that note, I believe sleep is in order. Tomorrow (*sigh*) is another day.
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