Texas Weather is Weird

Jun 11, 2009 14:00

I took these pictures during the rain, afraid of flood damage and in sheer awe of how hard it was coming down.  Flash floods in Texas work this way, it'll monsoon for a few hours, like the sky just opens up and dumps everything it has.  Then 15 minutes later the sun comes out and its like nothing happened.

Lots of damage this time around, though, in our neighborhood. Some of our neighbors lost fences, and we lost electricity for about 5 hours last night, and about 3 hours today from lightning strikes.  I was really afraid that the water outside was going to reach our front dining room window, but it stopped a few inches shy.

Went out almost exactly an hour later and took "after" pictures.  Thought those of you living in more reasonable areas of the world might enjoy seeing how much Texas can change in an hour.

Aside from the bizarre weather and power outages, we're alright.  Haven't worked on my glass, since I need to set up my table before I start the cutting process.  More updates on that soon!  Taking my PPR exam on Monday, so I'm studying for that, at least a little.  Enough to scare me about the damn thing.

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