Moderate...My views.

Apr 12, 2009 12:46

I like being a moderate because...

1. I don't spend my life finding ways to bash the otherside and holding too tightly to blind ignorance fed by my inability to accept that even my side is just as bad, but from a different angle.

2. I don't feel the need to constantly bash other people's religion, choice in having religion or lack thereof.

I, personally, have no tolerance for intolerance, bigotry of any kind and hatred of another for their beliefs. I realise a little bit of hypocrisy in some of this, however, I think you get the picture.

With that said:

Please respect that I believe...

In God and go to Church. Maybe not as often as I should, but I go. No I don't care about your opinion of that. Respect it, as I respect your choices. Although, I find those that think it's necessary to constantly bash religion of any kind to be weak and pathetic creatures. We get it, you're an Atheist. Moving on.

No, I do not believe that Obama is the greatest thing that has ever happened to us. I am rather scared of the over abundance of hero worship of him that is going on. People are making him a demi-god and I fear for the future of this country with that mentality.
I remain a passive watcher, time will tell. Though the man has pissed me off already.

A 129 in bowling is not special olympics. I know people who are in the special olympics and aren't, but have developmental disabilities and bowl better than that. Consistently Better.

I think you all know it's obvious I have a passion for the disabled and am fiercely protective. With that said, if you're a person that believes in equal rigths and still think it's okay to belittle the disabled and their existence, you disgust me. Don't be a hypocrit. It's like the pro lifer's killing doctors. Come the fuck on.

With that said HAPPY EASTER!
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