
Apr 06, 2009 12:12

So alot of people are shocked that Iowa is more willing to accept gay marriage than California.  I mean, afterall, California's supposed to be the cutting edge of worldiness and tolerance right?  Democratic state.  Except that being a Democrat and a LIberal doesn't make you open minded.  Some of the most close minded people I know, are liberals.   If you wanna know how, just ask me.  Regardles...

But remember something about your state Californians:

The population of California is over 50% Hispanic or Mexican.  Afterall, it was Mexico at one point.  These are a people steeped in macho manliness and Catholicism.  (I hope I don't need to explain the catholicism).  I was hated by my exhusband's family because I wasn't Mexican or Catholic.  Especially Catholic.

We, also, have a rather large Mormon population and the Mormon Church is quite wealthy.  This equals lots and lots of advertising and pushing their agenda.  Catholic Church too.

Also, there are a lot of military bases here in California.  In Southern California, alone, there are Major Marine Bases, Airforce and Army bases.  Last I checked, they weren't too open to gay people.

There are all kinds of peoples in Southern California from all over the world.  I was looking for jobs in San Diego and found social service jobs wanting me to know Farsi, Tagolic (sp), Samoan, Vietnamese and, of course, Spanish.  Look at the Social Security site and you'll see applications for medical and social security in 10 languages and they aren't western european.  They are Eastern European or Asian (including Middle East) and Spanish.

These cultures, as far as I have come to understand, are steeped in Male dominance and machoness just in general, their women tend to be sub to them and in some of those cultures, less than cattle.  They live here, they are naturalized they can vote.

I'm not saying it's all the immigrants fault, if you get right to it, we all came from immigrants (Native American friends excluded here. )

Also, keep in mind, I graduated highschool in 1992 and I didn't know a single person in my class was gay, though there were several.  Two years later, I knew gay guys and would say "I don't mind gay men, but not sure about lesbians." Four years later, I found myself surrounded by those who were gay or lesbian or bisexual.  As a matter of fact not one of my female friends was straight.  The world is only just starting to accept public displays of affection, just in general.  Los Angeles may be the most populous city, San Francisco may have the highest population of Gay's and Lesbians, but they are only two cities in a very large state.

In short, I'm saying your "Liberal" Democratic state has along way to go based on simple culture before it will openly accept Gay marriage.  Bottom Line..the end.
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