Yes, ladies & gentlemen...... it's just fourteen days & counting until The Galaxy Rangers Collection Part 1 will finally be available!
So, to that end, I give you a link from that is showing a savings of 25% off list price! A savings of like $10 so you can get it for $30!
I can't wait to get my hands on this!
Granted, I have the eps ripped from the German collection already on my E drive (Yeah, I'm a pirate chick, but I'm flat broke busted here & didn't have the $$ to buy the set from, but to have all the extras on this - I totally can't wait!
If you haven't ordered a set yet and don't know what all the fuss is about, just ask! Galaxy Rangers is like an early version of Firefly, except these guys weren't outlaws (although they totally skirted that line in order to bring the bad guys in!) and the show had real writers working on it - Christopher Rowley, Brian Dailey (he was part of the team that wrote the Robotech novels and wrote some of the SW books from the 80's), Shelly Shapiro (who is now an editor for one of the big publishing houses), Dan Fiorella (he's done pieces that have made it on Prairie Home Companion and for Cracked magazine) and others that I can't remember off hand.
Remember the original Speed Racer cartoon? Chim Chim and Spridlle were voiced by Corrine Orr who played the Queen of the Crown and we also had Jerry Orrbach playing Zachary Foxx. (His other most famous voice work role - Lumiere the Candlestick in the Disney animated version of Beauty & the Beast)
There is so much to say and so much for me to squee about twenty years after the fact - it just goes to show that this has held up to the test of time and I can't wait to see all the extras for this. Maybe now, we can get the action figure line launched finally!