Hey F-list -
I am looking for a beta reader to help me finish beta reading my
lorne_porn x-mas challenge. I think RL (sick kids, work, and a set of cons back to back) has swamped my one beta reader and this poor fic is now going on a month & a half past due.
So, if you're willing to take on this crazy fic (which isn't that long compared to other stuff I've got in the works!) - email me - this name @ yahoo (dot coooooooom!) and I will get back to you tonight when I get in from work.
Speaking of which.... I should have left here over an hour & a half ago to go to the salon. Oh well, not like I had clients lined up today anyway and I still have to haul in more schtuff out of my car into my room at the salon in order to get set up for Hot Stone Massage. Wheeee!