Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

Jan 31, 2008 22:42

I'm tired and trying to make fic corrections from 
shaddyr tonight, but brain is not really here.  I'm more worried about driving conditions tomorrow and whether or not this training class at Healing Arts Center in Hot Stone Massage is going to happen tomorrow due to the heavy snow we're having in STL tonight.  Towards that end, I stayed up at parentals' place, since it is only like 5 miles from location vs. the close to 50 miles from my apartment and I really didn't feel like dealing w/ sloppy roads and idiot drivers.

Buuuut...  really, really, really good news!  My first true love, Galaxy Rangers, is being treated to a full DVD Region 1 release!  I got tagged by XMANRCJ Rob (I know too many Robs!) from He-Man.org tonight with this press release.


Uhm, pardon me for squeeing like a teenage fan girl, but this is my first fandom, long before I knew what fandom was.  :)

I have loved this show for over 20 years now.  It has stood up to the rigors of time and was written by real writers.  It was unique in its production in that they did 65 eps without a toy deal in place, which was like essential for any 80's cartoon.  I could go on and on for forever and a day about this show - I'm working on converting more friends to watching this show - especially those with children, because it's something the whole family can watch and not feel insulted. (Except for a couple of eps, which are just the throw away "Oh, we need to talk down to kids!" stories that the upper PTBs wanted/demanded the writers/creator do.)

So now, I think it is time for me to go to sleep - it's almost 11:30 and I will have to get up 7:30ish in order to figure out if I have class in the morning or if it's delayed and then, I will have to unbury my car...  :p

Oh, sleep, thou dost sound good now...  ;)  

galaxy rangers, news, dvd release

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