Midsouth Con Plotting

Jan 28, 2014 11:49

Much discussion happened yesterday on Con Suite.  I was very polite in biting my tongue and not calling one of the people in the discussion on their bullshit.

They spent more time NOT working, disappearing during prime time and then was going "Oh, my feet hurt by Saturday night..."

Well, yeah....  ALL of us are hurting by Saturday night!

Plus, they were the one who stiffed their friend and didn't bother to show up to work their opening shift in the mornings in con suite, thus leaving said friend without much sleep.

I am SO bloody tired of this person trying to claim that they did SO much work in the room when I've been there FOURTEEN YEARS and I bust my ass in there.  I am beat up, aching and beyond exhausted by the time Sunday comes but do I duck out on working just to go flirt non-stop with someone, leaving the other bar tender high and dry?  No!  I am the one that gets chased off to go take a break because we don't have enough coverage most of the time.

I am hoping with the beer hours being reduced this year, the load will be lighter but I am also scheduled to do some paying work at con this year - a friend is paying me for full body work on her and her daughter before the wedding that night.  Therefore, the "Oh, my feet hurt..." person will have to suck it up and work for a couple of hours straight.

I think I've earned the right to be crabby and not have a lot of respect for that person.  They swan in, play the "I'm so much smarter than everyone!" card, then don't do the share of work they promised they would.  This is a pattern I've seen repeated for about three to four years running now.  I've been in Con Suite since 2001 and the only reason I'm not running it is because I'm not local.

The person running it is preggers and so is the "My feet hurt..." gal.  That means, I am so going to need more help behind the bar this year.  I'm biting my tongue and fighting to tell the other person that if your belly is going to be such an issue then don't work.

Well, enough grumping from me today...  I need to get a shower & get the living room set up for a friend to come over and trade massage work today!

midsouth con, grumpiness

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