Quicksand 11/13

Aug 12, 2009 03:34

Title: Quicksand
Authors: herohunter and ladydreamer
Pairing: Clex
Rating: Generally PG, and NC-17 in parts
Warning: mpreg
Summary: One cold November evening, twelve years after Lex Luthor left Smallville and Clark Kent behind, the two meet in Centennial Park… as Lex is walking home with his daughter.
Thanks to our beta lexalicious, and to lapetite-kiki for the beautiful cover for the fic.

Part Eleven

It was morning when Athena came out of the bathroom brushing her teeth and walked into the den where the copy of Clark was sleeping on the sofa, outfit still on. His boots were off, and he was using the cape as a blanket. She leaned over the back of the sofa and poked him a few times.

Clark opened his eyes and blinked at her a couple of times. He thought Lois was shoving him with the tip of her shoe again. "Oh. Athena." He sat down and ran a hand over his hair. "Everything okay?"

"You need to take me to school. Dad needs extra rest," Athena informed him, hanging her elbows over the cushions.

"Oh." Clark nodded and stood. He had never taken care of a child, but was glad that she seemed old enough to know what to do. "Okay. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Yes," Athena answered. She'd grabbed a banana before packing some leftovers for lunch. Her Dad would probably have preferred to do it himself, but she wasn't going to wake him after everything that happened last night. She knew he didn't sleep well when Clark wasn't around.

"All right." Clark looked down at himself. "I need clothes. I don't suppose Superman flies you to school?"

"No, he doesn't. Do you know how to drive?" Athena zipped into the bathroom to spit and drop off her toothbrush, then into her fathers' room, grabbed jeans, socks, and a t-shirt, and returned, setting them down on the arm of the sofa.

"Yes, I do. Thanks." Clark picked up the clothes and x-rayed the place, finding the closest bathroom and heading that way.

Athena sighed heavily, and pulled out her cell, wishing it would reach Clark, wherever he was. She missed him, and she could see how much her dad missed him. Sitting on the arm of the sofa, she looked back at her fathers' room and watched Lex sleeping on his side. She hoped he'd be okay while she was gone today.

After he had changed and rinsed his mouth, Clark raked his hair back with his fingers, took a look at his reflection in the mirror, and shook his head. A world where he and Lu-Lex were together, with a daughter and another one on the way! Maybe he was in an illusion chamber, and Luthor was fucking with his head, but even if that was true, he couldn't bring himself to hurt an innocent pregnant man and his child. Then again, how could Lex, his Lex, have known about Bruce? About he and Clark having been lovers, about Clark being Superman to begin with? No, it was all too different; more different than even his Lex would have conceived. He pressed his lips together and stepped back out into the living room. "Ready," he told the little girl.

"Your shoes are by the door. We take them off over there so Dad won't have to vacuum as much," Athena explained. She went to fetch the keys and held them out for Clark.

Clark took the keys, went over to the neat row of shoes, and grabbed the biggest ones, putting them on. "Where do you study?"

"In the library," Athena answered, lifting up her book bag and opening the door.

Clark looked at her to figure out if she was messing with him, but she seemed serious. He walked out with her. "No, I mean, what school?"

"Greenwich Academy," she answered, leading him to the elevator. "I'll give you directions on the way."

They weren't getting very far. Granted, the kid was answering his questions, but Clark's attempts at conversation were falling quite flat. He couldn't blame her, if she were really real, not after what he had done last night. He stopped and faced her. "Athena. I'm sorry I hurt your father and the baby last night. I could try to explain it to you, but he's your father, and I know there's no excuse for what I did." He frowned slightly.

Athena looked up at him, her lower lip sticking out a little as she met his eyes. "No, there isn't. My Superman would never hurt a pregnant person, no matter what he or she did. The baby had nothing to do with it." She gave him an intense appraising look. "Promise me you won't ever hurt my father again, and I'll forgive you."

Clark squatted down and nodded. A part of him rebelled, screaming that he was pathetic for suddenly needing a child's approval like that, but he recognized it as the Jor-El genes in him, and shut it up. He nodded. "I promise. I didn't see the baby until he mentioned it, then I thought it was a trick. I won't hurt your father again."

Athena searched his eyes for a moment. She nodded and leaned over to give him a hug. "You'd better not. Or you'll have to answer to me."

His arms slowly went around her and Clark patted her back gently. "I'll behave," he vowed seriously.

Athena closed her eyes. This Clark smelled like Clark, and she missed him so much. It had only been a day, but she missed him. Sometimes Athena wondered how she'd spent the first part of her life without him. "Mm." She leaned back and wiped her eyes, then took Clark's hand. "We have to go. I'll be late again."

"I really could fly you there," offered Clark, feeling her smaller hand in his and smiling softly as he stood. "And land where we wouldn't be seen. Just today, so you won't be late?"

"We don't usually do it because Clark... He says that you can't always do things the easy way. We can do it this once. That way you can get back to Dad faster. I don't want him to have to be alone, Clark. When he had me he didn't have anyone the whole time. He gave birth alone in a hotel in France," Athena told him.

"Oh. Did he?" Clark swallowed. "He must have been scared. Yes, this once, and I'll come back here. Is there anything I need to make sure he does or doesn't do?"

Athena thought about it. "He cleans when he's nervous, so he'll probably clean the whole house today, if Bruce doesn't call. If you see him start to have a hard time, make him lay down. He's six months, so he can get sore, y'know. His feet, and his back. I think he'll probably eat on his own. Now that he's pregnant we don't have to remind him about that."

Clark nodded. His heart nearly skipped a beat at the mention of Bruce's name, but he was too busy paying attention to what she was saying to really focus on his former lover right now. "Okay. Do I pick you up from school?"

"No, I'll get a ride with Toby. We do homework together and then his mom brings me by. I'll call the house when school is over, though, to let you know everything's on schedule."

"Sounds good. And if you need anything, call me as well." Clark walked out of the elevator and out of the building with her. Finding a secluded spot for lift off wouldn't be too hard; big cities were filled with people who were too busy to notice what was happening around them.

Athena held onto him as they flew through the air, not at all afraid. She yawned a little and gave Clark the directions he needed. When they arrived at the school, there were kids waiting around outside, and they landed where no one could see them before walking toward the towering front gate. She could get around the walls, but she didn't like to do that. It was risky.

"Toby!" Athena waved as she spotted a boy slightly taller than her who was wearing the school uniform, but with the girls' skirt over his black pants.

"Hey!" Toby jogged over to them and threw his arms around her. "Morning, Clark."

"Oh." Clark stared at the skirt, but only for a moment. "Morning, Toby. How are you today?" That was one strange uniform choice, but who was he to judge anyway?

"Pretty good, thanks." He checked his nail polish, then touched Athena's arm. "Did you ask about this weekend?"

"Oh. I forgot. I'll get back to you tomorrow," Athena promised.

Toby raised a brow. "Just ask Clark."

"Um." Athena blinked, knowing it didn't count if this Clark said yes. "Can I go to a party in Edge City on Saturday?"

Clark arched his eyebrows. "Edge City? With Toby here?"

"My older sister's driving us there," Toby added. "Don't worry, Clark. Tabby has a black belt."

"I think the answer is no, Toby," Athena told him apologetically. "I'll ask my other dad what he thinks, but I think his reaction is going to be Hell no."

"Aw, that's no fun."

"Well, I told you they probably wouldn't let me. Edge City has a high crime rate."

Clark nodded. She wasn't even his kid, and he didn't want to let her go; he could only imagine how Lex would feel about it. "I think we could try again with something closer next time, hm?" He touched Athena's shoulder and bent down to meet her eyes. "Have a good day, sweetheart." His mother used to call him that, and it felt right to say it to Athena.

Athena blinked and felt her eyes sting. "You too, Clark." She hugged him again tightly.

He held on to her a little, silly as it seemed. Having a child had never been an option for him and yet, this Clark had done it, twice, and with Lex of all people! He kissed her black hair once.

Athena sighed, because kids were starting to enter the school, and Athena knew she had to go. She pulled back and touched Clark's cheek. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"

He smiled softly. She really was adorable. "I will. You do the same."

Athena nodded and turned to go with her friend. She waved back at Clark once before committing herself to Toby's excited story that he'd been waiting to tell her.

Clark stood there, ridiculously tall amidst a sea of kids as they poured into the school. He waved back at her and watched her go. He had wanted to visit the Kents today, but he really needed to be home and make sure Lex stayed well. After Athena was well out of his sight, he turned and walked away, into an alley, and flew home. Well, to this Lex and Clark's home anyway.

Once in the apartment, Clark put away his Superman outfit in a closet in a bedroom that was decorated mostly in red and reminded him of his childhood room at the farm, put some coffee on, and made orange juice before he tiptoed into the master bedroom and watched Lex sleep. He had always enjoyed watching Lex sleep.

Lex woke gradually as he felt himself growing hungry. He looked up at the light coming in through their shades and pushed himself up, rolling over to see if Clark was still in bed... "Oh," he said softly to himself. Then his eyes hit the clock. "Oh!" Lex pushed himself up and got out of bed. It was past time to get Athena to school, and he hadn't even prepared her lunch yet! He started to move over to the closet when he saw Clark, not his Clark but the other one, sitting on the floor by the bed. "Morning."

Clark got up on one knee; moving that fast couldn't be good for Lex, and he prepared to catch him just in case. "Good morning. If you're worried about Athena, I took her to school. She wanted to let you sleep in."

"She did?" Lex asked in surprise. He rested his hand on the rise of his stomach and frowned. He hoped she'd eaten. "That was very thoughtful of her. Thank you for taking her."

"You're welcome." Clark stood. "Um. I flew her there. She said that Clark doesn't do it often, but we didn't want her to be late. I met a Toby."

Lex's lips twitched slightly, and he made his way toward the bathroom. "I've met Toby. And his mother. They're kind people. Athena had some trouble at her last school, so we transferred to Greenwich where they have a better environment for her. She can't exactly get in a fight at school. She's not invulnerable yet, but someone could still break a fist on her."

Clark nodded. He walked closer to the bathroom door but stayed outside and looked away. "I remember being her age. 'Be careful, not too hard, don't lose your temper, watch your limbs, don't squeeze anything.'" He sighed. "He wanted her to go to a party on Edge City on Saturday, with his sister driving."

"Hell no," Lex said in a loud, definitive voice.

Clark chuckled. "That's exactly what she said you'd say. I agreed."

Lex washed his hands and exited the bathroom. "I remember how your father used to be," he said, then paused to explain, "I moved to Smallville when you were in high school. My father wanted me working at the LuthorCorp plant there so that he could assess my abilities as a junior mogul."

"Oh?" Clark turned to look at Lex. "My uh, Lex... There was no LuthorCorp, just LexCorp, which he built. His father died when he was a child."

"I know this sounds cold, but your city is likely better off for that. Smallville, too. The pollution alone caused a lot of deaths. My father was never shy about experimenting with Kryptonite either." Lex returned to his closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and one of Clark's sweaters. "About a year ago, Clark and I went down into the subway and found a huge facility where he had been experimenting on metahumans. He died awhile back, of course, of liver cancer, but he put it in my half-brother's care after he died."

Clark frowned and shook his head. "Wow. That's horrible." He watched Lex as he moved around; he still had the same fluidity as his Lex, even with the rounded belly. "I made coffee and orange juice; I didn't know what you liked."

Lex turned as he pulled the sweater over his head, "Thank you. I'm not really supposed to have caffeine, but I'll take some juice." He grabbed some socks from the dresser and leaned against the bed to balance himself as he put them on.

Clark watched Lex in the large sweater that could only belong to Clark. Comfort clothes, he figured, while Lex's partner didn't return. He walked up to Lex. "Let me help with those?"

Lex looked at him guardedly. This man had tried to choke him yesterday, and today he was looking after Lex's daughter, making him coffee, and offering to put socks on his swollen feet. Perhaps he felt guilty. Perhaps he had finally realized that he and the other Lex were separate. Lex nodded. "Thank you."

Clark took the socks and got down on one knee to slip them around Lex's feet. "Did you manage to sleep well?"

"All right," Lex said half-heartedly. He'd not been able to fall asleep for hours without Clark's arms around him. No wonder Athena had let him sleep in. She was probably peeking in on him and the baby.

"So I'll be staying here today, if you don't mind." Clark stood up again. "Is there a place I need call in sick to?"

"Oh. That would be The Daily Planet," Lex informed him. He rose again. "Have you eaten breakfast?"

Clark shook his head. "No, I haven't. It's okay; I try to sleep until I absolutely have to get up to go to work, and my wife can't cook at all. I usually grab something on the way to the hospital. But I can cook if you wanna take a chance."

Lex chuckled. "I was going to offer to cook for us both. I've been taking care of Athena on my own since the day she was born, and we lived in Europe for a while. You pick up things. I'm not bad."

"Okay, as long as I can help. Uh, what should I tell the Planet? I'm sick?"

"Tell them you're following a lead... troubled teens in Edge City," Lex suggested, opening the cabinet and pulling out a few pans. Stuffed French toast should do nicely that morning. "Or you're following a drug ring to its roots and won't be able to check in for awhile."

Clark nodded. He walked to the phone in the kitchen, picked it up and hesitated. "You don't happen to know their number by heart?"

"Memory four. One is Athena's cell phone, two is mine, and three is the grandparents..." Lex looked up as he mixed up the eggs. "Your parents."

"Oh. Thanks." Clark dialed four and gave Lex's excuse of following a lead, leaving it vague enough that his counterpart would hopefully be able to cover it when they got switched back. After he hung up, he went back to Lex. "I work with Lois?"

"You started with her. She wanted a task force and got the new guy," Lex explained. "So the two of you work together occasionally when you need a partner, and she isn't annoying you too much. In general, you let her cover the Superman stories, and she gives you any leads she has on metahumans."

Clark nodded slowly. "I'm married to her," he said softly. "It was what Mom wanted; she loved Lois for some reason. I'm glad I married her, because it was one of the last things Mom witnessed before she died. I think my Lex killed my parents," he added, watching Lex.

Lex had been about to comment on the Lois thing, then jerked his head up at this new piece of information. "I... No, Clark, he couldn't have... Could he?" He ran a hand over his head. "I'm very sorry. I know your father and I had our disagreements, but he's a good man. They've both been wonderful with Athena."

Clark leaned a hand on the counter and shook his head, lowering it. "There was never enough proof to nail him, but... Smallville was leveled." He looked up into Lex's eyes again. "I see you with her and Batman and Flash, and the pictures of you and your Clark around here, and... I believed in Lex once, but I had to grow out of it."

Lex wiped his hands on a dishtowel and sighed. "I very much believe that Athena saved my soul. I know there was always a possibility that I would become a monster. My father aimed to make me one, and he succeeded with my half brother." He shook his head. "I see that even with half his influence that would be true. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Clark whispered. He forced himself to smile a little. "I'm happy for all of you."

"You deserve some happiness as well." Lex continued with his cooking. "Maybe you can bend him over and get yourself a little bundle of your own. He sounds like he deserves it."

Clark's eyes widened and he laughed, feeling a furious flush rise up his neck and cheeks. "God, he'd kill me!"

"Isn't he trying to already anyway? What have you got to lose? He'll still want to kill you, but he'll have a harder time getting around. That and trying to make evil plots when he has to run to the bathroom every five minutes..." Lex joked. It was odd to be trying to cheer this Clark up. He put the French toast in the griddle to let it cook. Then he opened the cabinet and went up on his toes, trying to reach the powdered sugar.

Clark touched Lex's back just barely, and reached up past Lex's hand. "This?" he asked, handing Lex the powdered sugar.

Lex smiled and took it. "Thank you." He checked the toast and took out a couple of plates.

"You're welcome." Clark sighed and briefly turned to find the silverware. It was where he'd have put it. "Lex won't kill me," he said with more certainty than not. "He'll annoy the hell out of me, and hurt me, but his attempts are only half-hearted."

"Why would that be? If he's dastardly enough to level a town, create those goo things, and open a rift between dimensions, if he's bad enough that you'd come in here the way you did, why wouldn't he put his full effort into killing you?" Lex asked as he set the stuffed French toast on the plate and took out some fresh cut strawberries to arrange on the side. Finally, he sprinkled some powdered sugar on top.

Clark shook his head. "I don't know. He's had the opportunity, more than once, and didn't do it. Oh, he swears to high Heaven that I'm dangerous to humanity on many levels, and that he will destroy me someday, but it hasn't happened yet. He's always been a little insane. That doesn't bother me. The fact that he might be willing to hurt other people to get to me, does."

"Mental illness runs in the family. My mother was... in a perpetual state of deterioration." Lex paused, wondering if he should even bring up what he was thinking. He carried the plates to the table. "Alcoholism as well, on my father's side. Luckily, your genes seem to be strong enough that Athena hasn't had any of the problems I did yet. She's sensitive, and too bright, but not unstable. By the time I was her age, I'd already had a nervous breakdown. If he's been under heavy stress in his life, he probably belongs in a mental institution."

"You can say Lex has been through heavy stress," Clark said dryly. "He was put in the foster system early on, and he hated every one of his foster families. Or they hated him. My father was his worst around him, and Lex never seemed to fit in anywhere. He lives on the top of the tallest building in Metropolis now, and has been married five times."

Lex covered his mouth, laughing softly. "Well, I was only married the once. I can't say I recommend it." He put his hand on the table as he took a seat. "Try your French toast. So his parents died early on? Hm. Do... do you know if he had any siblings?"

"Just Julian, but he died as a baby. Lex never talked about it much." Clark sat down and tried the French toast, then nodded as he chewed. "Very good!"

Lex picked up his napkin and covered his mouth. He had an idea of why the Lex Luthor of this one's world was so disturbed, if he ended up in the foster care system shortly after that.

Clark watched Lex's eyes as he ate. "I know it wasn't easy for Lex, living in the Slums until his whole family died," he said softly, "and then the foster care system. He was very socially awkward in Smallville, and I was his only friend. He was my only friend, too." He put down his silverware once he was done. "I guess I expected more from him than building a huge empire and having more money than God."

"I was never very good at relationships either," Lex replied. He hadn't eaten much of his French toast. He was a bit preoccupied. "You should know, Clark, that Julian didn't die a natural death. Not in our world, and I doubt in yours. Especially not considering how things turned out."

"No?" Clark glanced down at Lex's plate. "Please eat some more, Lex. How did he die?"

Lex made a show of cutting up his food. Then he paused. "My mother smothered him in his crib. She died herself a year later due to her heart problems. If Julian died as a child, I think your Lex probably went through the same thing. Don't worry about him not telling you, Clark. During the time I was in Smallville, I mentioned Julian, but I didn't give him the details then. No matter how much I loved Clark, I couldn't."

Clark nodded slowly. "I understand. With... My Lex, they all died at the same time. I can't... I can't imagine what happened."

Lex took a breath and began to eat. He washed down his meal with the orange juice by his plate, then wiped his mouth again and looked up. "I don't know. But when it happened to me, I got there in time to take the blame from my mother. You can imagine how my father felt about that." He shrugged. "I don't think we could guess why he does the things he does. I just know that if you are determined to stop him, then as his friend, if you still want that, you may want to consider means other than violence. I doubt it does anything more than make him more defensive than he already is. My father bullied me my entire life, and as a result, I don't respond well to threats."

"Lex..." Clark sat back and ran a hand over his brow. "You also must understand that when I attacked you last night, I thought you were him. He always carries a chunk of kryptonite in his pocket, so I thought he was just playing along. It probably sounds sick to you, but he does that sometimes... He lets me chide him for a long time before he reacts. I do the same with him."

"I don't know what to tell you, Clark." Lex shrugged again and rose to take the plates to the sink. "I don't know him. I don't know your games. There are some similar events, but when it comes down to it... That's not my world."

"I guess..." Clark rose and approached Lex at the counter. "I guess I'm just trying to apologize again. It must have been a shock to see who you thought was your partner come at you that way. I'm sorry."

Lex turned and patted Clark's shoulder. "You're forgiven."

Clark smiled at Lex, feeling a weight melting off his shoulders. It wasn't his Lex forgiving him, but it was this one, and that had to count for something, right? "Thanks. I do the dishes, why don't you just sit a while?"

"Thank you. That's sweet of you," Lex replied. He stepped back from the sink and nodded, heading into the den. He touched his hand to his forehead and looked at the book he'd been reading while Clark had gone to get him his snack last night. He might never eat scallops again.


The weekend came and Clark woke up, having moved into the red guest room, which was really nice, he admitted. They would be going to see the Kents today, and he felt antsy and nervous as he stood and headed to the bathroom across the hall. They weren't his parents and he knew that, but still... Mom and Dad, still alive, at the farm. He took a deep breath and started brushing his teeth after checking on Lex through the wall. He was still asleep.

Athena rose with the sun and flitted around the house like a humming bird, getting herself dressed and making breakfast for her father and Clark. Granted, it was the wrong Clark, but he was being kinder and looking after her father, so she didn't mind it. When she was done, she darted out to get a flower, put it on the tray, and brought her father breakfast in bed. He was trying very hard not to look so down in front of her, but she wasn't that easily fooled. She sat beside him and chatted with him after he woke up. If Clark didn't come back soon, at least when the time came, he would have her.

Clark heard Athena padding through the apartment and entering Lex's room, so he approached the door and looked inside. He waved at her.

She waved back at Clark. "There's fresh orange juice out there if you want some." She had a glass for herself, which she sipped while her father finished breakfast. "Grandma will feed you pie when you get there."

Lex had his legs pulled up a little, and he wiped his mouth. "Sleep well?"

Clark nodded, entering the room and standing by Lex's bed. "Yes, I did. That room alone is much better than my apartment. Did you manage to sleep at all?"

Lex had been up pacing last night, and he knew that Clark would have heard him. "You two need to stop worrying. I got a couple of hours."

"Grandma will make you nap, and give you pie," Athena informed him. She wondered if she came in there at bedtime and gave him a backrub, he would fall asleep sooner.

Clark sighed. They hadn't heard from Bruce and flying back and forth the same path he had taken when he and Clark got switched had done nothing to help the situation. "We won't stop worrying, Lex."

"You're both adorable." Lex pushed the covers back a little, and Athena moved to his side to help him out of bed. "Thank you, baby."

"No problem." Athena gave her father a hug and sighed. She cupped his belly, looking at her sister inside. He kissed the top of her head.

Clark wanted to ask to touch Lex's belly but he thought it would have been too much of an intrusion, so he moved to the side of the bed and picked up the breakfast tray. "I'm going to have some coffee and clean the kitchen."

"What do you need, Dad?" Athena asked.

"I need to go take a quick shower and get dressed." Lex's eyes followed Clark. "You're not our servant. You don't have to clean for us all the time."

"I..." Clark paused, half-turned to go. "I don't mind doing it. Does it bother you?"

"No, I just don't want you to feel obligated," Lex clarified. "We appreciate your help though."

Clark gave Lex one nod. "You're welcome." He turned to Athena. "Does he thank your father all the time, too?" he asked with a soft smile.

"Yes. In one way or another," Athena replied with a grin.

"Athena," Lex admonished.

Clark pressed his lips together but grinned anyway and arched his eyebrows. "Well. That's good." He chuckled a little as well.

Lex pressed his hand to his side and breathed out slowly as the baby pushed.

"Aw!" Athena crouched down and lifted her father's pajama top. She kissed his belly and rubbed her hand over where her sister was moving around. "Does that hurt?"

"Not really. Not most of the time. You were higher up, and whenever you stretched, in the later months anyway, I could feel you bumping my ribs," Lex informed her.

"Yeah?" Athena beamed. "Sorry."

"You're forgiven." Lex petted her hair.

"I wish you had pictures from then," she said wistfully, then gave his belly another kiss before getting up.

"I don't think I do. Sorry about that. We can look through a few boxes later, if you want to try to find one."

"I know why you didn't take them," Athena replied.

Clark wondered if he should leave and let them talk, or rather, he knew he should, but he had come to love watching them interact, and how Lex's emotions showed best when his daughter was around. He stayed.

Lex walked with Athena around the bed to the bathroom suite, then paused and looked at Clark. After a moment of hesitation, he beckoned him forward with a finger.

Clark quickly dropped the tray back on the bed and rushed to join them, not even caring what it was for. Then, Lex took Clark's hand in both of his, lifted his top again, and pressed it to where the baby was still moving around. He knew she wouldn't do it much longer, and Clark might not want to think of his Lex this way, but he felt that there were things that Clark needed to experience, even if he couldn't have them in his own world.

"Oh." Clark's lips parted and he blinked down at Lex's belly, not bothering with using his x-ray vision. Feeling the baby move was absolutely enough. He slowly got down on his knees, leaned in, and gave the rounded belly a kiss. "Hello, baby girl," he whispered, feeling that if he had ever gotten close to greatness and love, this had been it.

Lex hadn't been expecting the little kiss, but he smiled and took it. It was as though he could see this Clark changing, and for the better. Maybe being with Clark's parents would help, too. Soon Lex was covering his mouth and refusing to let his tears fall, because he needed his Clark so much.

Clark smoothed his large hands over Lex's belly a few times, then stood and moved to the side so he could give Lex a hug. "Thank you," he whispered.

Lex nodded and wrapped his arms around Clark. He tucked his chin over Clark's shoulder and sighed as his cheeks grew wet. "Sorry. I just miss him. It's what he would have said."

Clark rubbed Lex's back, holding him close. "Don't apologize for missing him. He'll come back soon, Lex."

"It's okay." Athena hugged her father from behind. "Don't hold it in, okay? I don't want you stressed because you think you need to be strong for me."

"You're my daughter. You're the kid; I'm the parent. I do need to be strong for you," Lex whispered. He took her left hand in his.

"I'm not going to disagree, but this is one amazing daughter you have here, Lex," Clark said as he gave the side of Lex's head a kiss. "I think she does a great job taking care of you."

It was hard to let this Clark touch him, but it felt better than keeping himself isolated. "She does at that. I'm proud of you, kitten."

"I'm proud of you too, Dad," Athena replied.

Clark smiled down at her and slowly moved away from Lex. For a moment he had imagined that it was his Lex in his arms, expecting a baby that was theirs... Could that ever be between them? "Thanks again, Lex."

"No problem. I think we both needed that,' Lex replied. He headed into the bathroom to get his shower in so they could get going.

Clark touched the top of Athena's head gently, then turned around to take the tray to the kitchen. He decided to make Lex's bed as well, so the pregnant man wouldn't have to bend down to do it.


A couple of hours later, the three of them touched down in front of the Kent farm. Lex had called Martha earlier in the week to tell her what was going on, but this was the first he'd been able to get down since then. He couldn't wait to see her. She was like his own mother, these days, and he was sure that she would help this Clark at least a little.

Clark carefully let go of Lex and he kept Athena on his hip a moment longer. "I should have brought something," he said as he set her down. "Flowers or, I don't know..."

"You're fine, Clark." Lex reached over and fussed with Clark's collar. "She'll be worried about my Clark, but she'll be worried about you, too. You'll be fine."

Clark met Lex's eyes, worried. "But what if they don't like me? I've been without them so long now..." He thought he sounded like a whiny kid, but he knew that Lex wouldn't make fun of him. Or he thought not, anyway.

Lex smiled, patted Clark's chest, and pushed him forward. "They're good people, and you're their son. They'll adore you."

"Uh." Clark wasn't so sure.

"You're here!" Martha exclaimed happily, coming out of the house and down the porch steps.

Athena added a little push, moving Clark forward against his will. "Hi, Grandma!"

"Afternoon, Mom," Lex said warmly. He took Clark's hand and pulled him along as Athena pushed. "How are you?"

"Just fine, sweetheart," Martha said, approaching them and giving Lex a hug and his belly a loving touch, then holding out her arms and hugging Athena, kissing her hair. She then straightened and looked up at Clark, who did not look like he was anyone else at all. She cupped his face with both hands and watched his face.

"Hello," Clark said softly, blinking fast.

"Call me Mom," she told him, and Clark wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, shaking a little.

Lex rubbed his back and watched them together. It was beautiful, and he truly felt for a Clark who didn't have a family.

Jonathan came hobbling out to see this "other Clark." "Hey there, son!" It took him a little while to make it out to them, but when he did, he gave Athena a hug, then moved to put his arm over Clark's shoulder.

Clark looked over at Jonathan, older, but still so much like his dad it hurt. He hugged Jonathan's shoulders, unable to talk just yet.

Martha rubbed his arm and held out her hand to Athena. "Come on, let's head inside. How's the baby, Lex?"

Athena took her hand and followed her inside.

"She's doing fine. Very active this morning," Lex answered. "I'm glad for it, though."

Martha nodded and held the screen door open for them. "That's good, honey. How are you getting along? Gosh, he looks just like Clark!"

"He really does," Lex agreed as he went inside.

"Well, who would he look like?" Jonathan asked. "That Queen boy?"

"They're getting along okay now," Athena said to answer her grandmother's question.

Clark was the last one to come in and he looked around, his eyes hardly believing what he saw. Even if this had been an illusion Luthor had created, he would gladly take it and thank him for it later. He had missed them, had missed the farm, the way it smelled, even.

"I made pie!" Martha announced happily.

"Ooo, sounds good," Lex commented, running a hand over his stomach with a smile.

"I told you," Athena whispered to Clark.

Clark nodded, eyes still roaming, and he bent down closer to Athena. "You did. This is just like I remember..." he whispered.

Martha eyed Clark with Athena and gave Lex a smile before she moved to get the pies. Athena kept Clark's hand, because he seemed uncertain, and lead him into the den.

"So Lex tells us you're a doctor in your world, huh?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes, I am. I work in the ER. It works well, because a lot of people I save end up there, and I already know what's wrong with them," Clark explained. "Saves time." He smiled down at Athena, thankful.

"Sounds respectable. Do you have the time, though, to just go off and do the Superman thing?" Jonathan replied curiously.

"I suppose he must, otherwise he'd have stopped being one or the other by now," Lex said. He lowered himself into a chair and kicked off his shoes.

Clark moved to sit on a chair by Lex and pulled Lex's feet to his lap. "This is why I stayed in the ER, so I can slip in and out easier," He explained. "I do get in trouble for disappearing sometimes, though." He began massaging the bottom of Lex's left foot.

Lex opened his mouth to protest, but he'd let this Clark kiss and hug his belly this morning, so a little foot rub couldn't hurt. He groaned and let his head fall back, causing Athena to giggle as she sat near them.

"Good for you, then. It's a tough job, Clark, but a good one," Jonathan said firmly. He headed back to the kitchen to help Martha.

Clark watched him go and then turned to Lex and Athena. "I know you come here all the time, and they're used to seeing Clark often but..." He shook his head. "Thank you."

"It's nothing, Clark. I'm glad you're able to see them again," Lex replied sympathetically. "It means a lot to you."

Athena frowned sadly at Clark, because she couldn't even imagine what it would be like for her fathers to be gone forever.

"Yeah, it does." Clark looked down at Lex's sock-covered feet and massaged the right one as well. He needed to find a way to bring Lex's Clark back.

clex, lex luthor, clark kent

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