May 05, 2011 21:34
Er something. I'm behind on my Countdown of DOOM!(TM) already haha. It's ok though. That just means that we're closer to six weeks than seven. ;) I'll try to get it done before Dawn and I head out to see Thor tomorrow night.
Today, I held a "Cell Model Workshop" after school. Basically, I assigned this project to the kids to build a 3D model of a plant or animal cell using whatever they wanted. Some of them chose to go edible and asked if they could bake a cake or brownies at school. I had planned to have an afternoon at school where I just brought some crafty supplies and let them make their cells with that, but decided to ask if we could use the old home-ec room instead. The VP said I could and I told the kids, both bakers and crafters, there at 4 today.
I'd been asking for the past few days who was planning on attending, just to get a rough idea of how many kids I'd need to look after. I had about 10 or so (out of 150) saying that they were planning on coming. So I walk into the room after my duty was over and what did I see? Close to 30 kids all working on their projects before I'd even had a chance to get the stuff unpacked! I was so shocked, I kind of stood there for a moment haha. Some of the kids that told me they were coming weren't even there and I still had near three times what I was expecting.
Apparently, we were making a lot of noise and they could smell the brownies and cakes being baked, because several teachers popped by to see what we were doing. Of course, they wanted food haha XD. The math teacher across the hall (who looks like Tarzan) came in and was teasing the kids and trying to steal pieces of their projects. I was helping another group get the glue gun working, but I kept hearing "Don't eat my project, sir!" lol The principal also wandered in and was asking the kids what they were up to. As I was leaving, she told me I was more than welcome to do something similar next week. :S It would be fun, but it was really tiring! I'm trying to think of something we could do next week. We're probably going to do taxonomy, so if any of y'all have ideas, I'd appreciate them. XD
Anyway, I'm excited to see what these kids come up with. One of my slackers came in with his project this morning. I was surprised he even did it to be honest. I was so proud of him, I'm going to give him extra points (which he'll need because he forgot a few things XD). I also had two of the kids that don't do anything in class show up this afternoon. One of them is a real macho kind of wannabe gangsta guy and it was HILARIOUS to watch him hunched over hot gluing sequins to a foam ball lol. I almost died laughing.
I'll do the Countdown of DOOM!(TM) post tomorrow. It's been a long day. I think I shall turn in early tonight.
countdown of doom(tm),