Random rant and a meme

Aug 31, 2008 01:41

I know I sure don't post often outside of memes, but really just want to get this rant off my chest

As a few folks here know, my mouse broke about a day ago now. It never picks a nice time to break, it's always something like 3am or 5am and while I'm in the middle of something, this time while I was finishing up a gutter shadow on page 53 of La Preuve.

Of course this town does have 24 hour Wal-Marts, but that doesn't do much good if my mouse breaks at 5am, you know why?

Because the stupid Wal-Marts close the electronics department overnight. They basically think every night shopper is a thief and good luck if you need something there finding a damn employee.

Well, I had a few things to do that involved stores only open until 9pm so I saved that errand for the daytime.

As a few people may know, I hate going to Wal-Mart during the day, so I decided to avoid it and try out Target and Hastings first in my search for a new mouse.

Of course, I'm slightly picky, I have a laptop and a desktop mouse really doesn't work well for me anymore. They are just too big and bulky for my needs and the long wire gets entangled everywhere.

Now of course, I could buy a wireless mouse, but I've had bad experiences with them. One broke within a very short time, another decided that when it broke it was going to prevent my computer from restarting, etc. I prefer small wired laptop mice.

Of course, Target and Hastings lack these. The smallest laptop mouse is nearly the size of a desktop mouse and wireless. Well, at least I accomplished one thing from that stop, Gamestop is next to Hastings and I grabbed a ToV guide while in there.

So next stop is Michael's. I needed a particular color of embroidery floss (another random thing, when not writing at work, I have a cross stitch I work on) that they were out of last weekend. A week should be enough to get that in, right? I used to work at one and know they get shipments on Tuesdays. Think again, they are still out of it.

Okay, well it's only almost 7pm at this point, Hobby Lobby is at least still open (Wal-Mart also stopped carrying embroidery floss to my annoyance). Of course Hobby Lobby is completely out of the way for me and I hate going out in that direction. I stop out there, it took way longer than it should have because the lines were huge (amazing, I had to wait in line over 5 minutes to buy one thing that was 31 cents). Okay, so two more stops, Wal-Mart for a mouse and then back to the shopping center I started at to go to HEB (the local grocery store) because Wal-Mart doesn't carry the frozen dinners I prefer.

Realize at this point, it's starting to get dark not because of lateness, but because of storm clouds. Next stop is Wal-Mart since it's on the way back over to HEB.

And as usual, my luck sucks, Wal-Mart is out of the corded mouse I prefer. I get stuck having to buy a wired mouse that I honestly could have gotten at Target or Hastings. Well, not feeling much like going back to one of those stores, I buy the wireless mouse and pay for it in the Photo department since that has the least amount of a line. I couldn't get any other things I needed at Wal-Mart because they were out of it of course. Joy of all joys, no wonder I don't shop there anymore.

I get out of the store, it's pouring down rain. Last place I wanted to be caught at during a downpour was Wal-Mart honestly. For some reason, Wal-Mart attracts all the stupid pedestrians who run in front of your car and my window fogs horribly in the rain (and the control that lets me switch to front defrost is broken, so I can't do anything about it). Needless to say, this was fun because all I could see was lights on the cars.

Realize also I have two broken windows so storing things in my car during a downpour is also a bad idea, so I had to move my ToV guide and the embroidery floss in my trunk. I then drive to HEB, amazingly enough in one piece, rain finally lets up a bit, I grab a space and go in.

Of course, HEB would have to be out of one thing I needed to get (laundry detergent in a particular size, my roommate has some allergies to dyes, so we have to buy the free and clear type). Lovely, so I get the next largest size since they at least had that in stock. I grab everything else and have a small bit of luck of finding a decent sized line considering the stupid express lanes in HEB are 10 items or less (I had maybe 18 items).

Then I get out of the store, it's pouring down rain again. Realize also that my town is stupid and the roads flood very easily during downpours. Most of the roads that flood the worst are on my way home. Plus most drivers drive the same in rain as they do in normal weather, stupidly, and it's getting dark enough that I still can't see the damn lines on the road.

Well, I make it home, get everything unloaded that has to be at this point in time since it's still raining (unloaded everything else later).

And now, wonder of all wonders, the mouse I get sucks majorly. Is it so much to ask that a mouse actually moves in the way you move it? No, this one goes slightly diagonal when I move it straight up and down.

So it looks like I get to repeat this tomorrow since I have to go look for a new mouse. This will suffice for everyday needs, but I can't use a mouse with controls that bad for doujin cleaning or anything else in Photoshop. There goes me getting much accomplished this weekend on La Preuve. I tried, but I kept on seriously butchering it because the mouse wouldn't move right.

Of course, by the time I find this out, it's 1am and I can't go back to Wal-Mart, because for one, can't return their garbage after 11pm, and can't get into electronics even if I could. Worst part is, if Wal-Mart didn't restock the mouse I wanted in the first place, my next choice is a store I abhor with a serious passion and swore not to shop at ever again after how badly I was treated there or driving to Midland since there isn't a real electronics store in Odessa (which is a good half an hour trip, and if it's raining again tomorrow, that's the last place I want to be). Unless maybe Radio Shack stocks the kind of mouse I'm looking for (I'm doubtful that Sears does).

So yes, I hate the local stores with an immense passion. They never can seem to keep things in stock and even when they can, half the time you can't get to it when you need to because either the store closed already or you can't get to the damn department. And then add to that my immense dislike of people and their children running wild in the store (which happens at even 4am, I'm not kidding sadly).

But I just have to say, how hard is it to find a simple cheap wired laptop mouse? (I usually buy the cheap offbrand one Wal-Mart carries because it is the only wired laptop mouse any store has it seems) I know I'm picky, but this isn't that much to ask, I just want a mouse that moves the way it is supposed to, this damn wireless one doesn't do that. And I really hate how these stores assume everyone wants a wireless mouse. Well, I find they are complete garbage because I've bought three now and had three bad ones.

And I can't find one of my books now and I was wanting it for some references because I'm actually in the mood to draw fanart. The rippling_tides RP has gotten me in the mood for Van/Cantabile fanart oddly enough, though I only have myself to blame, most of what we came up with for that RP was my own sick ideas (since I have this weird tendency to make Van even more evil than he was in game). Though I admit, my now liking a pairing involving Van says a lot about Van's player in the RP.

Oh well, it would have been sucky fanart most likely anyhow. Though I could use another icon for my Cantabile RP journal (I have only 4, and two are of Noelle since she's my other character in the RP), and even bad fanart may look tolerable as an icon.

And now a meme which is totally stolen from wolfram003

Go to my userpics (or simply click here if you're lazy) and then pick:

1. Your favorite.
2. Your least favorite.
3. One that makes you automatically think of me.
4. One that you think I should TOTALLY use more often.
5. One that you don't get/needs more explanation/you have no idea why the hell I have it.
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