OK. I don't know if anyone still reads here but I haven't logged into livejournal so long that LJ needed me to reset my password to a stronger one. ;)
I'm only back for maybe this last post. I might start a new LJ perhaps, I'm thinking about it, but I've also kept writing blog or online journal like things for myself anyway and no I don't think I'll post all of that. If I did they'd probably be rewritten for now anyway.
So, OK. Hope everyone is well. The world's got real strange, don't you think? But personally, I think it's always been strange, it's just that we're in a new and novel situation so please if you can get vaccinated please get vaccinated (I think there are some places now where they can't or don't have enough so for that, please be extra vigilant) and wear a mask when you go out and practice physical distancing.
I'm not an anti-vaxxer. But I also think a lot of them (or people in general) are so confused about what Vaccines even are and I think that's where I see the beginning of the disconnect. Don't believe me? I didn't even know this next little fact (what's Vaccine in Chinese? For example): the word for vaccine in other languages might not sound Anything Like "Vac-cine" or "Vak-sin", I don't even know how to Pronounce the word for it in... wait, is that Mandarin or Cantonese or... too many dialects! (I'm not bilingual, so if you're wondering about my English, that's actually my first language so that's the easiest language for me to communicate in.) But when I asked someone who was:
"hey what's the word for vaccine in Chinese anyway? I mean say for example you're talking to your non-English speaking folks or friends..."
"'Injection Protection'"
"...even in English, that's... a lot of syllables. Ok."
I've also been double dose vaccinated as soon as I could get it but: Vaccines don't Prevent infection. So it's not like I would think I've got a magical shield or anything and it's not going to protect you from the common germs or anything so please get your shots (not bullets) and please stay safe, when you go out wear a mask (a proper one, not Halloween), if you're sick take care as best you can, and //please// listen to the professional doctors (not the quacks and it kind of feels like online we have many of that).
How am I? Well. I'm okay.
I'm still an introvert, pretty deeply, so in some ways I think I'm adjusting better to the new conditions than maybe some strong extroverts are but we aren't in a complete total lockdown can't go out - I think... maybe in some places it might not be a bad idea to do but it feels a little like they can't get the society to comply well enough nor do they have the resources to do it properly so they're doing the best they can is all I can say right now and I really feel for the front liners and hope that everyone's staying safe - and the world turns on and on.
I still prefer to communicate one to one not in public. But, I don't mind comments. I'm not new to comments and forums and replies and guestbooks even either.
Yes, I am an introvert. And in my senior year a classmate's only possible short response to our homeroom teacher was that "well, (she doesn't cause trouble or waves because) she's antisocial" lol. I'm not a Loner. I'm... just me and kind of a drifter really. It's easier to get to know me over type but I'm not terribly social either so I think the extroverts are kind of confused by me when they start to talk to me and do not understand how I can so different from what they expect. But I was also friends with that classmate, I just usually wasn't part of any class drama (not on stage, and not socially) because I knew how to stay out of the muck. And the year before, well, it was a little flattering to really realize that the subculture in my class was really Not one that was easily impressed or believed rumors unfounded. ;)
It's been so long since I've seen anyone but I expect we're all busy and not really able to reconnect or meet up so if at all I keep in touch with anyone, it's been real few, and more in private because I don't really post to the world (I type into the void). Heh. And no, I still don't mind you stray ones reading this but please do realize, I'm very perfectly happy with being just another person online.
Hail and greetings to 2021 visitors to Pauses in Inactivity.
I'm not back. As in I'm not about to change the way I've always been and yes there will be many hiatuses, right now I'm just waving a little bit.
12:26PM 10/24/2021
(Edited on 10/24/2021. Maybe posted on this day too. And if you're wondering why I'm using the American format and not the British, well that's how I usually write it anyway in my own work, ok? But when I have to flip or consider dates that are confusing I often just revert to spelling out the month for clarity.)
And... if anyone's wondering about that avatar I'm using, it's actually from Megatokyo. A pretty great webcomic but I haven't read it in ages so at some point I may have to start anew and just deep dive it from the beginning.
I'll try and scribble something else, maybe a stick figure or something abstract, heh, heh. But until then I guess that's fine. Just for now at least, okay?