Of/About fans good and bad and total twats

Oct 22, 2009 17:11

I kind of had a thought (a fuller thought) for a blog post

non-existent people: ljblog revival! *arms in the air* \o/ \o/ \o/
me: er, maybe not, but an ljpost

but I feel like I lost much of it if it was much more developed than what lingers.

My MLBteam got knocked out of the postseason play hours ago, I thought I'd be more depressed but I was following fan tweets* and I forgot that fans can sometimes be surprising (/ I forgot that sometimes we can forget, too :p), and that along with a few other things maybe helped buoyed my spirits a little or drag/keep it out of the low dumps.

I think in virtually every team with a following, in that following there will be: good/great fans, bad fans, and absolute twats. :p
Unless it's a small team / has a small team following, Maybe, or perhaps there are some exceptions but anyway...
I forgot that (and by "that" I mean each in different turns perhaps).

Maybe it reflects a little of the "class" of human life, and given fans are humans...
("usually" and depending on definition/interpretation)
that probably doesn't surprise and really might just make a whole lot of / complete sense.
It probably gets a whole lot worse or more apparent with the "bigger" teams (with huge followings and lots of wins).
There will always be "class acts", "class clowns", "great people", and "total jerks" (very broad categories and not intending to be a comprehensive list).

So, I just wanted to say... "there will be good/great fans, bad fans, and absolute twats :p so just try to keep yourself in good company"

-- it won't snuff out the twats or anything maybe/probably but it'll make them easier to "deal" with, directly or indirectly. ;)

*the fan tweets mostly RT'ed tweets by @DodgersNation; I'm pretty sure there are dodger"twats" elsewhere on twitter. I also wound up reading some comments on the team's Facebook Page, and without the filter of @DodgersNation (or something/someone similar)... that may have dampened my mood a tinge but not (too) much, but it's fine.

news, happenings, random, life, events, thoughts & opinions, baseball, checking in, write-up, personal / me

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