[Original] "Hourglass" (tentitive title) story script for a game.

Jan 05, 2016 08:02

^o^ I haven't had much to update about, but for a time here, I've been working on a script for a game.  I started the game in RPGmaker but after I started I decided I wanted to lay down the script.  So I started that.  I was working more on it and make it look MORE like an acutal script.  Before I had written it as I would a just a story of mine but it had some wierd branches and was really sparatic....basically it wouldn't help me make the RPGmaker game any faster and would really just make it a mess.

Now will the script, I have it laid out to even tell me when to introduce tutorials and stuff and when the player takes control..the various options I have placed in the game and the optional routes you can take with interaction with the other characters.

Tis a beast but I'm considering this my first major RPGMaker project; a personal project of mine.  I kinda would like to see it in a better graphics style but I can't 3d render for crap. ;)

Anyway this is the start of a new year, last year was kinda bland in my original fiction front.  It's not that I didn't work on anything, but I didn't really make much progression.  I've made a promise to myself this year, though, that I'll finish SOMETHING and I plan to do it in a timely manner.

I'm making Let's Play videos and still playing games in my time but I'm ready to charge up my laptop and do with it what I bought it for: to take it with me and to work on my writings during breaks at work.

It's time for me to stop worrying about little things and do things I enjoy.  This year I can go to the doctor and get more medicine for my chronic migraines so that will help out a lot as well. :)

writing: original stories, topic: original

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