Been playing Minecraft a bit the past couple of months and have been slowly working in it, whilst doing several of the mods in the modpack I'm using, and building the city that is where the main character of one of my original stories was born. Taking a lot of staring blackly at the area that I'm planning to build them in the game, but I'm quite enjoying it. The videos haven't been uploaded to the point that they're caught up to where I'm actually playing but it'll get there. The first few vids might be a bit rough and cut short. Mind you, these are my first recordings so I haven't gotten into it truly yet.
I only have one truly complete building, lol; anyway... If you're interested in seeing my progression, the first of many is available through this linkage: I'm also planning to put several mods together for the sake of building. Since that is the number one thing I enjoy in the game, putting together the best mods to build and decorate will be awesome.
Will take a bit of time, seems I'm lacking quite a bit of time recently. :)