[Original] Another short story finished.

Jul 02, 2013 13:04

Well, a story I started writing little over a year ago I finally sat down and finished. IDK why I chose to do it, I just did; it was there; and I was bored. So, my short story "Sweet Torture" (yeah, as the title kinda indicates it's kinda dark of a story; its not long though so I can't really explain it without revealing anything) is finished.

I'll post it up soon. I don't really have the time right now to deal post it; cause I want to get it posted up everywhere within a similar amount of time (fiction press and deviantart are pains to post on; smashwords even more so...its picky on formatting).

Anyway, maybe if I finish all these in-progress shorter stories I'll have no choice on writing TrT, lol lol lol... Yeah...not gonna happen... "CBG" is long, too...

...I just realized something... I've NEVER posted up my oldest completed story (ever) called "Blood Red". Seriously, the story has been revised and finished for 10 years now. I refuse to read-over it again 'cause I'll want to re-write, heh.. I'll try to post it soon. It's not "short" by any means though. It's over 24,000 words; the revision is anyway. The original was much shorter...and was fully hand-written. xD

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