[Anime/Manga/Original] Hm~ What a rather unsual(ly) productive day~

May 25, 2007 22:55

First off: w00t, Pirates3 movie!  Un!  Yes, I went and saw PoTC:AWE today at 1230pm.  It was greath (though somewhat bizaare; Jack needs to screw his head on straight, un).  And, haha, they had a soundclip from the RIDE in teh movie.  I was liek O.o, that's from teh ride.  HAHA~ ... and then there was a poor little kid (I'm assuming around 3-5 who was crying from being scared.  Davey Jones scared him, heh.  Parents should have thought about that before they took him in the theater.  And there was STUPID GIRL who was about to lose her foot as she kept it on the back of my chair and STEPPED ON MY HAIR (grr...die girl, die).  And before the movie started, I stuck up a conversation with a 9yr old boy in the front row about the first Naruto move.  Hah!  I'd have never guessed THAT would have happened....

Take 2: I haven't said it yet, I got my Doujinshi already and have made them a home on my shelf.  :D I haven't scanned any yet (cause my scanner is an evil monster than likes to create lines in the scans).

Stage 3: Well, I don't know wheter to be happy and/or sad about this next part here.  Well, you see, I called for a goodbye on Fanfiction.net, MediaMiner.org, and my old website.  None have been updated in, like, two years.

*sigh* I still have hopes for fanfiction but......I think I'll have to keep to reading it for now.  My original stories are being neglected, too, so................................................that's what makes me VERY sad.  I feel like I'm losing my purpose to existance again.  So, it's work to home to..."Hey, it's Thursday, it's Naruto day~!" to "I want the Naruto manga chapter~ w00t~!"

I think I need to break from Naruto fandom for a while and concentrate on my original stufs.  *sigh*

art: doujinshi, series: pirates of the caribean, series: naruto

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