[Original] Just a random musing... +fanficton musing

Jan 03, 2013 13:38

First off: belated Happy New Year, yada yada. :)  No, I don't do New Years Resolutions because, typically, they resolve around my original fiction.  I made a New Years Resoluation YEARS ago to finish GMT (which is finished now), and it ended up in a horrible writer's block.

I'm been working on TrT, again...  I really want to push through it.  If I could stop writing it out of order, I'm pretty sure I won't have to do a re-read/re-write after its all done.  Urrg...  I was reading part of one of them and I realized I introduced an apposing enemy that I never re-used, and had, ultimately forgotten existed.  I was shocked, because I really spent effort in describing the character at his introduction.
...I know its because TrT has a LOT of villians throughout its entirity; many of which become part of the main group as "heroes".  Because TrT has a lax good/evil principle, the side they stand on still remains their own.  The fact that, even though, they're all "together" many do not even like each other.  Allies are better than friends in TrT, after all...

I'm fixing to compile Everlast and ebook release it.  It's NOT going to be free; I refuse to let those series be free.... ANYWAYz..

I had an issue though (a really non-issue, really) but I"m writing fanfiction.  Haha, it's hilarious that I am.  I actually had a DREAM about it, so why the hell not??  I guess its amusing though because it's really a full (mostly) re-write of the events of Breath of Fire 3.  Yup, a re-write of a game.  I was reading BoF series connection/history/timeline and obviously, I found the artbook online, and yeah, if you don't know the whole Teepo situation makes me sad.
..So yeah, I had a dream where Ryu re-countered Teepo in the dungeon of Windia when they're kids; sweet~ and some strange bit where teh gargoyle senses Teepo's powers before he is even aware...  So I got to thinking about it this morning and went for it and starting re-writing sections of the game to include them dragon-boys together. :)  I love the idea.  Sharing it is ... unlikely, since I write fanfiction for myself.  If I actually complete it, in a sense, I will, but still unlikely.
...Basically, the scenario is: Teepo doesn't become brainwashed by the bitch-goddess and become evil and sticks around the entirety   'Course the boy is still a little brat. :) That's how he is: Lord of the Dark Dragons and all, heh.

o.series: trt, writing: original stories, topic: games, writing: fanfiction, topic: original, topic: dreams

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