This one, however, is not necessarily SCA related. I am learning how to knit. I've know how to crochet for a while, but I decided that I want to learn to knit too. And now I have learned how to do both the regular knit, and the purl. Who wants a scarf? :)
I'm still making plans for my "little garden", and am excited about maybe getting to help fyre_falcon in her big one. Applications will be taken soon for cabana bois. So far I have decided on lavender, calendula and some variety of mint. I think maybe I will also so lemon balm/sweet mellisa, but I'm not sure yet.
I finished my particolored gown for Candlemas, and not to toot my own horn, but I think it looks great. I would like to get some silk or linen and make an underdress, but for now it will be ok without. Not very period, but I don't really care.
I'm also working on a proposal for an event that I think would be fun to have. Don't really know who (or when) I need to talk to about it yet, but stay tuned...I think lots of folks will like my idea.
I still need to get the dupioni silk for a cotehardi to wear under my awesome new sideless surcote that B made me, I can't wait to get to wear it, but at the moment I literally have nothing that will work...sigh.
I have the fabric and the idea for the next outfit for R, just have to get with B and work on a pattern; after that it's fencing doublets for both of us as well as some new camping garb (you know the kind you throw on while putting up your tent). I also want to do renovations on several older pieces.
All of this, plus favors for R and B, and an update to the Camping equipment. I would really like to make a bed and perhaps some chairs. Space is at a premium in our vehicle though, so I'm hoping to find a bed pattern that will collapse very small. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.