Sep 15, 2007 21:27
Okay, so I never DID see that most fic-spawning of episodes of JLU, "A Better World", so I finally down loaded it on YouTube. And . . . ohmyGod. Squealing is so necessary, and this post is going to be running commentary as I watch, so anyone who doesn't want to deal with my incoherent babbeling, do not head into the cut.
Also, obviously, SPOILERS for "A Better World" beneath the cut.
Oh, man, that first scene where the Trinity in storming the white house--Supes is walking. He's so sure of himself and his power that he's just walking right through the guards. And then Luthor does the stupid evil-taunt thing, and Bruce, BRUCE reassured Diana that Luthor had to die. I swooned and freaked at the same time. Is that possible? Anyway, I DID.
Lois, defender of free speech! That horribly lovely scene where what Supes did to Luthor was implied.
And the costumes. God help me, the costumes. J'onn's rocks, as does Diana's (and I love the short hair!), and Supes---it's black and white. How much do I love the symbolism going on there? Glee for tv shows with brains!
Cheers for Lois for noticing that he lobotomized Doomsday. And that PUNCH. The fan in me who really really likes incredible, unexpected and well-done shows of power was grinning madly. It made the air shake. *shivers*
Ooh, Batman vs Batman! Lorder!Bats is so right, and it's such a great line "No. Just everything you'll every think of." And then--then--"I think he likes you"?!? Ahh! REALLY, Bruce? DOES BATMAN LIKE THE FLASH?? *squee*
Then there's that moment where Wally gets that look on his face and I squeak because WALLY HAS BRAINS! He knows the Lord's weakness is him--specifically, him ALIVE. And he's a speedster. Eee, can't wait to watch the fallout!
"a world where no 8 year old will ever lose his parents because of some punk with a gun." "You win."
I--*really*? I mean--Bruce, you SAW the Cases, right? He's lost Dick, and Babs, and Tim, and--he *wins*? *freaks out*
Okay, I have a question. Why do they keep arriving in a burst of electricity in an alley? Is it all a Terminator reference or what?
Also, Whee for Lorder!Bats. Uh. Maybe? We'll see. He can't be THAT sane, he has no Robin. Ooh, but his costume is GRAY! Yay for continuing symbolism!
Wow, Lorder!Supes is scary. He's all smiley and happy about being evil. I think the other Lords are even scared of him.
J'onns are fighting! J'onns are fighting! OOOH, SHAPESHIFTER BATTLE!
Whoa, Smallville moment. Supes told Lex to "Go for it" in a really pleased tone of voice.
Yay! Multi-dimensional characters! Luthor has honor and doesn't shoot the League in the back!
Oooh, wow, hi, end of episode. Luthor's going into politics, and he was president when he killed Flash in Lorder!verse, and it makes everybody wonder whether it was another dimension or the future and . . . Whee!
Okay, must come down from crazy high now. God, no wonder this spawned so many fics.