There is a thing that I do not understand.
this Newsarama article, an interview with Dan Didio, I am excited by very many things: the idea of multiple Wonder Woman titles, the integration with Milestone (though I am anxious about that, as well as excited about the re-emergence of the characters), and the return to a nonlinear continuity.
What I do not and find I cannot understand is this: )
Gah! F*^%ing Fan-Boy Dan Didio! To think that he came to be head with the intent of... Man... I've been saying it a while now, but DC is being incredibly stupid, pampering to their geriatric readers and practically isulting us youngin's... You basically said everything I've been yelling at my local comic shop guy over; the old guys are going to die off in a couple of decades, and no one in our generation is gonna be left, because none of the characters we love will have survived!!! To complain, as most of the older fans I've spoken with will readily and loudly do, that the characters they grew up on and loved were taken from them pointlessly (when, in fact, it was almost always in some majestic, heroic, and very important way), and then to cheer on the destructive trajectory of stories in the current DCU... It's mind-boggling! It's hypocrisy! It's fan-service/self-serving fan-fiction!
It's disgusting... I want my Young Justice back. I want Linda Danvers back. We should have seen this in the so-called "power struggle" that led to Peter David leaving DC...
I completely understand older fans wanting to be able to keep reading about their characters. The thing is, DC's done a lot of nostalgiac lines like the Year One miniseries, All-Star 'verse and New Frontier. Hal Jordan and Barry Allen belong there. Kyle Rayner and Bart belong in main canon.
Also, I like the phrase "destructive trajectory". It's very descriptive.
Funny how so many of the characters/major players don't seem to mind, eh?
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