5 Years! [public]

May 01, 2015 10:43

I've now been married to swisstone for five years. Pretty much everything about this arrangement makes me happy, from my new name to waking up next to him every morning.

I'm not the easiest person to be married to. I have a pathological fear of boredom, am addicted to adrenaline, never do housework if I can help it, am a closet workaholic, love travel, am hopeless with my own money, love cats more than (most) humans, spend a lot of time with my best friend, read millions of words of fanfic, get obsessed with movies/tv/books/people, help run a convention, love attending events about art and music and books, am very sociable and like to spend time with lots and lots of people, get exhausted often, suffer from recurring major depression and am often a pain in the neck.

Tony joins in enthusiastically with the good parts of the above, and puts up with the bad bits and looks after me when I need it, with good humour and endless patience. I really don't know what I've done to deserve him. But it must've been something very good.
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