Feb 17, 2004 22:29
YAY! Valentines day was pretty awesome i was @ a comp all day and @ first that was not going well at all but then once we left the floor wow everything had changed bc i realized that our team had just hit a solid routne(forgeting about the lil accident w/myo and lauren) it was a real good feeling especially after a really bad warm up....So then we have our awards ceromony and we think damn i just hope we beat one team.....but overall we ended up with 2nd out of 6 teams which was pretty good for our team.....so next is nationals...YES I CANT WAIT....Meanwhile @ the comp waiting for awards i hear something that i never had heard b4... i got the most wonderful compliment ever....and yes i never get n-e-compliments.... so i was totally shocked...and bc of who stated it(didnt say it in person, heard it from another) i was just like wow im amazed...If u know who u r and u are reading this You made my day!:) N-e-ways i get home hoping that my mother will let me go out bc its valentines day (even tho i am in deep shit right now) and me and some girls w/out valentines from work were gunna all chill and jus have a girls nite out...my mom says that i really dont deserve to go out so i say ok yea i dont and forhet about it....so i was a ili bummed but then come to find out someone had flacked and they didnt have the girls night out afterall....Then sunday i go in too work and i was kinda bumbed still bc of all the shit that has been going bad in my life right now and im talking to mike v and he tells me "your so beatiful" i was like o man 2 compliments in one weekend i was like in shock again and he just made my day, i felt so much better!!! well i guess i better go to bed now...goodnight everyone!