Jan 03, 2013 00:45
Things are average. I live what can be considered an ordinary life. I eat and sleep, clean the house and do the dishes and laundry. I work at a job. I am average height and weight and seem to excel at going unnoticed. (Acquired skill I got way too good at). My hair is unassuming and my features are pretty, but fairly ordinary.
I don't travel to far off lands, I'm not a world famous anything. I pay bills and stress about making ends meet.
These may be ordinary things, but they are also wonderful. I may not have made it to where I want to be, but here I am. I celebrate the fact that I am out of shape (how ordinary), I can deal with all the ordinary first world problems like when will fancy foods go on sale.
What is not just ordinary are the people in my life. They are more than ordinary they are extra ordinary!
So here's to the ordinary things in my life, the extraordinary people, and the wonder that comes along with it.
romancing the ordinary