Jan 21, 2006 15:27
Mr. Mayor,
Let me start by saying that I am a 41-year-old vanilla male.
I supported you prior to the hurricane that GOD sent at us (your words), and even supported you in your efforts after. But now, you have reached down and grabbed the race card and want to proclaim that New Orleans be a Chocolate New Orleans!!!
If you were a white man/mayor and made the opposite remarks that the city needed to be a White New Orleans, you would have had every liberal media outlet, the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, etchere, to serve your head on a silver platter. You would be stripped of your political duties and reduced to a racist pig and kicked out of town.
Luckily for you, youre chocolate.
GOD is mad at us for being in Iraq??? Thats why GOD sent hurricane after hurricane to us??? At what point in time did you become a spokesman for GOD? Prior to the hurricane, New Orleans had terrible crime, housing, cleanliness, and education problems. Is that GODs fault? Why would you say such things? Are you trying to alienate us from Washington/Congress, and the rest of the nation, at a time when we are in need of much help to rebuild? I think youve finally lost your mind and should consider resigning!
But lets first take a look at your Chocolate City.
Check the stats, the majority of crime comes from the chocolate factory. The majority of welfare goes, to the chocolate factory. The majority of dilapidated, filthy housing is owned or inhabited by the chocolate factory. The poor public education system is run by and inhabited by the chocolate factory. Just look at all of the chocolate city public housing eyesores. You want a chocolate city, just look at the 2nd line party-shootout where 3 people were injured that was all chocolate, no white milk in that neighborhood. And you called the shooters knuckleheads? How about CRIMINALS! And wasnt that supposed to be a welcome back parade???
Who do you think fills the majority of restaurants, hotels, conventions, or even the Superdome on Sundays, chocolatesnope! And 30-40 years ago, New Orleans was not a black majority city. But since then, weve had four chocolate mayors, and this city has been spiraling down the tubes ever since!
This city is my city. I was born at Touro Hospital. Even though I now reside in Jefferson, when I visit other places and someone asks me where Im from, I tell them New Orleans! But this city of mine has continued to elect chocolate politicians over intelligent, well-minded leaders. New Orleans, and the so-called leaders in the political arena, continues to keep giving itself and us, a black eye. Corruption and reverse racism has plagued this city for far too long. But now, the Sleeping Giant has been awoken, and hes not happy!
Mr. Mayor, you couldve taken this challenge, said the right things, done the right things, and been a real beacon of light for this desperate city. Hell, you couldve done so well that you couldve run for governor, or even President, and won, if you had done the right things. You and the city couldve come out on top, and I wouldve applauded you for doing a terrific job during difficult times.
But, lo and behold, you have stooped down, as mayors past, and given us (New Orleans), another black/chocolate eye! What a shame, what a shame!
AKAThe Vanilla Gorilla